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How to speed up your website in 2021

The browsing speed of a website is an important point to discuss. If you are a web designer, you should need to design a quick browsing website because 90% of visitors left the website if it takes more than 4 seconds in loading. If you are the one who becomes frustrated with the slow browsing…


What is Cohort Analysis and How Do You Use it?

The latest feature of Google Analytics, cohort analysis is a new asset of choice to integrate into your web-marketing toolbox. Cohort analysis can allow you to detect new levers to take off your website traffic, in particular by analyzing in-depth the evolution of user behavior on your site. Cohorts: What are they? Cohort analysis can…


Don’t Forget These Best Tips to Get More Search Traffic

It’s clear that Google enjoys updating its SEO formula. In fact, throughout a year, they might make upwards of 500 modifications! Search Engine Optimization means maximizing your content so it appears regularly in the search results page. With many adjustments to browse, it’s very easy to miss out on something. And when you miss something…

Learn to create Email newsletters from these 23 Email marketing Applications

Learn to create Email newsletters from these 23 Email marketing Applications

What amount of time do you spend on your email campaigns each day, playing out similar assignments again and again for different endorsers? We’re here to reveal to you that there’s another method to deal with those monotonous undertakings: email automation. And all you need is the correct tools with the excellent email template design….

Ultimate Guide to Understanding HTTP Status Codes

The HTTP protocol was first introduced in the early 1990s to create a connection between websites and browsers, forming a communication for web traffic that remains a standard thirty years later. While HTTP has been a foundational tool for internet browsing since before the internet became an at-home staple, let alone something users now carry…

8 Steps to Grow Your Website Traffic

Increasing website traffic is not always possible overnight with a viral post or video. Optimizing your website, offering unique content, and building a positive reputation are all essential elements involved in creating a successful high-traffic website. Knowing how to strategically grow your website traffic is optimal for any size business whether you are managing a…

Best Ecommerce Themes of 2018

Best Ecommerce Themes of 2018

Best Ecommerce Themes of 2018 WooCommerce has become the world’s hottest e-commerce alternative, which is 1 reason Herringbone is a great selection for your online shop — it was designed particularly for WooThemes’ flagship e-commerce platform. But that is not all. To put it another way, it is going to look fantastic on most of…

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