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  • Author: Manish K

Godrej Nature Plus: Life is a pleasure, go with green home

This is the beauty of the time, it brings a change and that change is really good for all of us, I think if you will not change according to the time, then you will not gain the real pleasure of life. I know we do love our things and never want to change, but…

Habits that transform us totally

It was Sunday morning and I was sitting on my favorite couch with a strong cup of tea and my wayward hair made me look semi presentable. Then suddenly I thought, almost 6 days are over and I have not done something lucrative (It can be anything). As always I was reciting my mantra- learn,…

Latest Methods to Boost Domain Authority

Kudos to Moz because now checking your website’s domain authority is no more a daunting task, basically, Moz is a site that calculates the DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) from 0-100. If you haven’t checked DA & PA, then today check it and figure out what methods you can apply to spur your…

Best Marketing Strategies For Online Business

The online world has completely transformed how we build and support businesses: We have utilized to far more sources and far more perspective more than ever before. So, why do so many capitalists finish up ignoring these productive prospects by forgoing marketing, or postponing it as an avoidable expenditure? In my opinion, there are a…

Useful Tips to Boost Your Blog Traffic Faster

No matter if you are blogging for your personal use, for any community, for your employer’s site, or to promote any business, only you need readers to locate your site and get addicted to it so that they become true followers. Every online business efforts for one target: magnetize traffic and modulate that traffic into…

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