Latest Methods to Boost Domain Authority

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Kudos to Moz because now checking your website’s domain authority is no more a daunting task, basically, Moz is a site that calculates the DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) from 0-100.

If you haven’t checked DA & PA, then today check it and figure out what methods you can apply to spur your site’s ranking and make it ideal gradually.


If your domain authority is above than 50, then you are in the race, but still your task doesn’t get over because even then also you have to be dutiful and figure out everyday how you can increase it, so that you reach to a good level.

If you will ask, which are the best examples to frame that are showing best PA & DA, then copyblogger & Quora are those that accentuates it perfectly that yes, they are best, believe me the journey was not easy, with every necessary element and need they used it to grow that number.

What about a site which is gradually fetching that push? Yes, they also embraces importance and respect because as I said, it is not an easy peasy job- best work, content strategy and linking has helped Hcorealestates to create their own niche.


So the bottom line is whether you are leading or you are still in the process of it, you need to follow lucrative steps to increase it.

       1. Website says everything

Needless to say, website is the first presence and if your domain name is attractive to all, then definitely people will remember it, so choose the name wisely. Other than this, bounce rate holds a big importance. If you have blogs there which compels readers to read it whole, then you will have the best bounce rate, so in Google’s eye it will consider as the right thing.

This overall adds extra positive gush to your website. So your website is a window of your work and business, so plan it rightly always.

According to the study, the websites which has best and appealing designs hold real niche in the market and even its users remember it for long, so don’t you want your website should be remembered forever, obviously you want that.

Follow these tips and make your website visible to all proudly.

‘Friendly’ a term that is part and parcel for the grow of any website, so you have to figure out that your site is mobile friendly and anyone who is approaching to your site from mobile finds it 100 per cent easy.

       2. Linking links you well

As you know your content is nothing until and unless you do not link then, so linking is important and if you do internal linking, then it will give you good bounce rate, but the point to note here is, if you do linking, then make sure whatever you are linking it has relevance to the existing blog.

Guest blogging is important because there are many popular sites that come with sterling PA DA and if you get your postings done there, then definitely you will see a push in your site performance. So do not forget to link nicely because your good linking will increase your brand value and that is what you want end of the day.

So getting links from other prominent sites where you are linking your site also gives you big fat benefit. And yes, you have to make sure that all the given links are functional because otherwise, it will be counted as a fault

       3. Content is anyway important, regular posting is must

A good content is something that is highly searched all over world and it gives a worth to read, so now you can imagine how important content is and the better the content is the better the traffic is. Whatever topic you choose, the main concern is how smartly you justify your content and title; write from user’s point of view, not what you think is right.

For example Godrej Evoke Villas here you will find a perfect overview stating a proper explanation along with images, so this way you too can provide an impeccable content that helps in gaining good page authority.

Writing the best content is a big strategy that you need to decide, I will love to notify you the best content contains a good length, GIFs, Videos, images, infograph, etc. so if you will follow all of them, then surely you will get best result out of it.

Surprisingly, a good content gives conversion, so now you know why I’m saying content is important. So, if you are a novice and don’t know how to write good contents, then start following some lucrative contents and learn the best way to write.


  • No copied content
  • No old content, try to bring fresh content
  • Follow good contents, but do not copy them
  • Do not make a short content
  • Do not follow old strategy
  • Do not use irrelevant and repetitive words

If you are willing to increase DA, then your whole focus should be on content, your role is not just to write, but how much it is available to readers, share it on the best platform where all can read. Posting on high level sites is a good ideal so you can follow this idea.

Remember, everyone is trying to write a good content in the market, so you have to truly decide how out of the box approach do you have? And How diversified you can be with your blog?

       4. Banish bad links

Even in life, bad things should be banished and likewise, bad links should be kicked out because if you have bad things, then it will give you a span score and obviously you don’t want that.

Now just imagine, how do you create bad links? Bad postings, so from now, if you do posting, then please check its spam score and then do posting because precaution is better than cure, so from start only if you will be attentive, then you will never face such trouble.

But by chance, if you have to kick out your bad links, then you have to do it manually one by one, I know it is a strong task, but you have to do it to remove the spam score if you want your website to grow PA & DA.

Collectivity, these methods will help you in learning how to increase domain authority which is very important for any website.

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