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What are the services offered by SEO service providers? How can you select one?

Proper Search Engine Optimization or SEO is no doubt a necessity for today’s business to gain better visibility with multiple search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing. It can be said that an SEO expert processes the required skill for helping clients in evaluating their way up the various search engines, ensuring all the while…

Website SEO and UX should not fight: they work together for improving experiences

Even about 20 years ago, people were filling their web pages with the target keywords, and that was enough to rank for relevant searches on Google. Those were the sweet days! Today, working on your keyword only will get you nowhere fast. All leading search engines including Bing and Google have defined a few parameters…

Tricks to Perform Better in Personalized Search

Tricks to Perform Better in Personalized Search

Tricks to Perform Better in Personalized Search Google has come a long way in personalizing search results. SEO executives are often in a fix about ways to personalize search results. Here are some tricks that you can implement to enhance your personalized search:- Find out the details of logged-in-visitors First and foremost, try to track…

Google - Becoming A Search Engine Giant

Google – Becoming A Search Engine Giant

In 1995, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, began a research project. Using Stanford’s system, Page developed a web crawler, and then he and Brin together developed an algorithm for a page ranking system, a means of determining which sites were the most visited and most popular among Stanford students….

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