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7 Challenges with AI in Mobile App Development

AI in Mobile App Development Never has technology advanced at such an exponential rate and artificial intelligence (AI) is now at the very forefront of this ever-evolving industry. Mobile App Development Meets Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence is still for many people the stuff of sci-fi movies and something that will happen in the future,…

mobile apps

Latest Mobile Apps in 2014

With development of Smartphone devices access some of the most amazing features to encourage lifestyle. Regularly applications are developed. Here are the some of the latest Mobile Applications. SO pick them and install in your device. 1)      BBC WEATHER Finally after a long time BBC came with a great weather app with great functionality which…

off mode

Review of OFF MODE Android App

Android Smartphone has lot of exciting features and many apps to encourage new life style. This is the blog about OFF MODE application, which is the best app to block your calls while busy. If you’re Smartphone disturbs you in a meeting/workplace or, while driving OFF Mode might be the best solution for you. OFF…

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