Pay Per Click (PPC) is something which most organizations are engaged in these days, no matter how big or small they are. If you invest in these online campaigns, then you must have heard the news that Google is making a transition of Adwords accounts from legacy to enhanced campaigns. The enhanced campaign program has been widely regarded as one of the biggest transitions in paid advertising since the inception of AdWords. It is the new PPC system using which you can reach out to your clients across multiple devices across different devices. This change will bring about a number of additions to the accounts of advertisers. They are explained in detail below:
Multi Device Marketing
This is the latest feature using which you will be able to track conversion rates across different devices. So, advertisers will have support for multiple platform across desktop, mobile as well as tablet.
Improvement measurement
Changes in analytics will enable advertisers to make better segmentation and oversee marketing across many devices. But changes do come with a price. PPC campaigns will become more complex, and greater efforts will be required for transition to take place. Most webmasters are still not updated with the new features. Some features of Google Adwords which existed earlier won’t be supported.
Enhancement in context
New and improved bid adjustments based on device and search location have come up. For instance, bidding up on your garment store for mobile visitors within 3 miles of your location late in the night will now be possible.
Need for keyword
One of the latest features of enhanced campaigns is the utilization of bid modifiers to influence time and location and though these modifiers are effective, there is a need for greater control. Most of the advertisers want Google to develop with a bid modifier which can be used at keyword level.
Mobile only campaigns will go out of fashion
Before enhanced campaigns came into being, advertisers who wanted to target mobile users specifically could create mobile only campaigns .The switch to enhanced campaigns has made it impossible for any advertiser to run a mobile only campaign. In case you have a phone based business, then you must have spent a good deal of time in testing and optimizing sites for mobile users. You can apply this knowledge to provide a comfortable experience for desktop users.
Greater segmentation and more adgroups
Google has specified that enhanced campaigns are more systematic. However, it also specified that  more segmentation would be essential. As Google doesn’t provide a keyword level bid modifier, quite a few workarounds advised are related to greater segmentation and creation of more ad groups.
Ad Group Level Sitelinks
This is one of the newest additions in enhanced campaigns. Earlier, sitelinks of the legacy campaign could only be utilized during campaigns. Experts are of the opinion that Google should provide Adwords editor with assistance for sitelinks. This in turn will enhance the efficacy of creating sitelinks.
Use bid modifiers carefully
Bid modifers need to be used carefully. You also need to monitor your account regularly. Your site may be perfect for a enhanced campaign, but you may not get expected once you make a switch. You need to be ready to learn as you start using bid modifiers for in your PPC campaigns. They may not always provide you with the desired results. What makes things even more complicated is the fact that , Google might combine multiple bid modifiers you have installed. The presence of location bid modifiers is however, a plus point. This is because bid modifiers can be applied with comparative ease by location with greater detail.
Visit WebitMD for any query to PPC Ads management.