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Turn your WooCommerce Website into a High Performing Machine   

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9 Ways To Promote Your WooCommerce Store1If you are a WooCommerce site owner, you would be well aware of the myths associated with it. For instance, many WooCommerce site owners are of the view that WooCommerce cannot scale. But the truth is something different. WooCommerce is one of the most scalable and flexible eCommerce solutions you would ever have.

Scaling refers to your ability to develop the online store without sacrificing performance. In the realm of eCommerce, speed is equal to money. The faster your site loads, the better the shopping experience for the users. On the other hand, when your site addresses issues like UX and UI, it has an overall positive impact on SEO.

In simple words, your site would be able to garner higher revenue and profits. And when the context is about eCommerce platforms, WooCommerce is one of the most popular names. It is quite easy to set up a WooCommerce online store. You have to purchase a domain and add the plugin associated with WooCommerce to your WordPress site.

But as you know, a large number of online entrepreneurs are going for WooCommerce. Hence, if you have a WooCommerce store, you need to provide something different to your users so that your users can stick to the platform. If you take care of simple aspects like personalization, live chat, and real-time inventory, the popularity of your WooCommerce platform would increase a lot. So with these things in mind, let’s take a glance at the ways to speed up the WooCommerce site.

Increase the Memory Limit of the WordPress

Always be mindful of the fact that by default, the memory of WordPress is set to 32 MB. But at some point in time, this limit would automatically increase, and as a user, you would receive an error message which notifies you of the same.

But there are two ways to address this issue- The user does it themselves or the contacting the hosting company. Here are some of the ways with the help of which you can configure the WordPress memory.

Editing the PHP.ini File

  • If you have access to the PHP.ini file, alter the line in PHP.ini
  • If the line depicts 64M, you should aim 256M with the maximum limit

Editing the WP-config File

  • Open the wp-config.php, located by default in the root directory of the WordPress
  • Locate the changing line near the end of the file
  • Just above that line, you should add define
  • Save the changes

Opt for a High-Quality Hosting Service

A hosting service allows the website owners to utilize a host server to store the contents of the website. To be precise, the hosting service is the base of your WooCommerce website. No matter how functional and futuristic your WooCommerce website is, you would fail to make an impression without a quality web host.

In simple words, an unprofessional hosting service would damage the reputation of your WooCommerce site. Here are some of the essential qualities of an ideal web host to look forward to.

  • The web host should have a high-end cloud infrastructure
  • It should have data centers across the world
  • The web host should offer a high uptime rate so that your website is never down
  • The web hosting solution should provide you with 24/7 technical support so that issues can be resolved rapidly

Avail a Responsive and Fast WooCommerce Theme

In case you don’t know, using the right WooCommerce theme can optimize your eCommerce store like never before. There exists hundreds and thousands of themes out there and hence deciding on the one that is ideal for you can be a bit challenging.

There is no denying the fact that a beautiful theme with amazing features can sound great on paper. However, in actual usage conditions, it may struggle to perform. If you have a WooCommerce store, ensure that the theme perfectly complies with it. Astra and Ocean WP are some of the popular themes you can opt for to optimize your WooCommerce store.

Compress the Images

There is no denying the fact that images make up a major portion of any website’s page size. It is normal for your WooCommerce site to be loaded with various images of the products and banners.

So as you can see, it is quite imperative to compress the images so that your WooCommerce stays optimized. Here are some of the rules you should follow while optimizing your images.

  • Select the appropriate format for your images
  • Use responsive images to optimize the delivery on various devices
  • You should compress the images effectively with the right tools
  • Make sure that there is no way to offload image delivery to fast CDNs.
  • Consider the hidden images and delete them if they are redundant

Rely on a Cache Plugin

With the help of a cache plugin, the version of your WooCommerce store and its resources would be located on the visitor’s device. So as you can see, this simple action would help your WooCommerce site to load faster.

Always remember that caching reduces the amount of data sent between the visitor’s device and the server. You have to consider server caching, browser caching, and other aspects to ensure that your WooCommerce site is optimized. Some of the most popular WooCommerce caching plugins are WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, etc.


Another great way to optimize your WooCommerce store is to test its speed. There are various tools that would help you to test the speed ofWooCommercesite. Moreover, you can also deliver static resources via CDN. This would ensure that your woo-commerce site loads faster without any issues. You can reduce the usage of the unused assets from pages to decrease bloat and speed up the total load time. Let’s hope that you can now increase the speed of your WooCommerce site.

Author bio:

Prashant Pujara is the CEO of MultiQoS Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a leading website and Mobile App Design Company specialized in android and iOS app development. He has more than 10 years of experience in software development with a strong focus on mobile app development for all kinds of platforms including iOS and Android.

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Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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