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Complete guide on – How to hire a NodeJs developer?

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complete guideThe popularity of Node.Js entitles the demand of Node.Js web developers in the market. Along with the popularity and the ease of JavaScript, the IT industry demands more Node.Js web developers. Node.Js is a runtime environment, an open-source JavaScript for creating different apps.

The execution speed and mobility via JavaScript in the V8 engine used in the Chrome browser have improved the demand of Node.Js web developers in the market. It is in the long run in the market just because of the faster delivery than other platforms. These are handled on JavaScript, which is even easier for developers to transfer from one platform to another. Every company is looking forward to Node.Js as it is convenient and even hiring a web developer is not a big task when it comes to this platform.

Node.Js is a platform that gives access to non-blocking, event-driven servers due to its single-threaded nature and is in great demand on so many platforms. So, if you want to hire Node.Js programmer, you need to consider certain things during the recruitment process. Considering very dedicated teams, you will know that hiring a Node.Js web developer is not always about the cost reduction, but also about protecting intellectual property, long-term contracts, and even no confusion with time zones, as working with many people of different countries.

The substantial changes in the Node.Js can be done easily and faster as compared to other platforms.

Qualities of a Node.Js developer

Node.Js is used for applications that exchange information between the user and the server on a large scale. There are some qualities enlisted below, which a Node.Js web developer must have to provide the best service to you:

  • He/She must understand the Agile development methods.
  • Must know the front-end and be able to work with it.
  • He/she will be able to deliver streamlined, readable, and well-documented code for others.
  • He/she can handle databases and cloud platforms.
  • He/she must have good access to the mobile spot and error fixing issues.
  • He/she must have a good grasp of Asynchronous Programming and its workarounds.
  • A firm grip over database schema creation for business purposes.
  • Must have working knowledge in User authentication and authorization

Skills you need to check before hiring the Node.Js web developer:

  • Js ( Nest.js, Koa.js, Express.js, Feathers.io, and other frameworks as well)
  • JavaScript, HTML DOM and events
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Familiarity with Sails.js or similar MVC frameworks
  • Experience in Meteor.Js, Blaze, Angular.Js, React etc.
  • Working knowledge with WorkFlow Automation such as Gulp or Grunt.

How to choose a Node.Js web developer?

 Keeping all the advantages of using Node.Js, the next reasonable question that can strike your head is how to hire a Node.Js programmer.

For recruiting a Node.Js web developer, first get to know about their experience in the field. 3-4 years of experience would be enough for the maximum results. Along with this, do check the projects they have worked upon. The web developer must be familiar with the REST APIs and the knowledge of Node.Js frameworks as Nest.js, Koa.js, Express.js, Feathers.io etc.

The various Node.Js frameworks have been there in the industries and have eased the workload of many coders. The developer must have proper knowledge about the use of Node.Js along with the benefits and the proper implementation in certain areas. The developer must have basic knowledge about TypeScript as well as CoffeeScript.

These are the most popular frameworks that reduce the workload and even let developers run their code on multiple platforms without doing any transformations.

The web developer must have a deep understanding of MySQL, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB etc. NodeJs is well known for its security. Thus, the web developer must know how to use different features that enable good application security as per demands. The web developer must have a basic knowledge of at least one programming language like C, PHP, Ruby etc.

The code streams demand regular changes along with error handling. The Node.Js web developer is well versed with the error handling process to make changes so that the web developer can update all the errors and changes according to the demands.

The developers must have an idea about the front end and back end Node.Js code to help craft a good UI with less effort. The Node.Js codebase is not enough for any web application. Thus the developer must have an efficient amount of knowledge about the databases. Understanding the SOLID principles and GOF patterns would work well to get through other languages.

The most important section is that the programmer must have an urge to learn and explore more with the team to experience different sectors as well as helping the team with new experiments.

Hiring offshore Node.Js web developers

After knowing about all the qualities of the Node.Js web developers, now you may have the question of where to hire a Node.Js programmer. If you are looking for talented Node.Js web developers, you must try hiring them from offshore; offshore’s popularity is growing rapidly even where some rare technologies are in use. It includes countries of Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America.

Hiring developers from this area will get you the developers who are graduated from technical universities. Hiring developers from these regions helps you in reducing the language barrier. Generally in this area, people ought to use English as an international language.

Other than this, the companies who want to reduce their office expenses and attain a greater profit must opt for this option to get developers from the best area possible. Other benefits of hiring offshore developers are:

  • You will get candidates with higher skills, and they even invest much in their studies to be in the competition section.
  • When you have an offshore team, you will get access to a better team managing your project from the other side. You will get enough time to think and relocate your planning rather than thinking and worrying about the management system.
  • Sometimes, hiring offshore candidates will lead to better access and approach to any projects. You will get to know about many alterations and new approaches for a single task.

There are so many freelancing websites where you will get easy access to many freelancers to select them from, such as Upwork, Freelancer, and many more.

What are the fields that make you hire Node.Js web developers?

  • If you are looking to develop your product and you require someone for update and maintenance.
  • You are going to initiate several long-term projects.
  • If you need any professional advice, to get to know about the development of your projects.
  • If your project is not very vast and you are looking for a management team.
  • It would help if you had a software developer for basic skills.
  • A Node.Js developer will help you in building high-performance, ascendible and real-time applications.
  • The Node.Js web developer frames the Node projects and helps you fix bugs and errors in Node.Js and JavaScript.

After recruiting the developers, here are some tips for hiring the best suitable developer for your project.

  • Define what kind of software you are looking for, get their opinion and then select the best one for your project.
  • Before assigning any project, please get to know about their GitHub portfolio, through which you will get to know about their style of coding and their personal characteristics.
  • Discuss the whole project with the team lead, and let the team lead check the developer as the team lead is responsible for success and failure.
  • Try to convey your project’s motive and goal to the candidate to understand it well about the project.

Some duties you need to check while hiring Node.Js web developer:

  • They must be working as part of a team in developing applications and services using Agile development methods.
  • They must be contributing to the team and organizational improvements to process and infrastructure.
  • He/she must be very fluent with coding, testing, and operation-based services.
  • They must be proficient in designing, building, and configuring applications to meet applications requirements.
  • He/she must be proficient with the maintenance of mobile applications, designs, development, and API testing on Google, AWS, and Heroku.
  • Js is widely in use and demand among big companies because of the memory capacity and the ease of use in a single JavaScript repository. It helps start-ups and small businesses to grow rapidly, as it is convenient, easy to learn, and even an open-source library, which attracts the developers to learn it. In this era, Node.Js is in great demand as every second company is looking for it. If you cannot create the Node.Js program yourself, you can hire a Node.Js programmer to get all your projects done. We have enlisted a few qualities and methods to help you in hiring the Node.Js web developer.

The Node.Js web developer you will hire for your company will be a great asset if you make prudent use of their skills profitably. The Node.Js web developers can get from anywhere worldwide, and this field has gained popularity, which catalyzes companies’ growth in so many aspects. When it comes to companies, they often deploy and maintain network applications. The Node.Js web developers must have prudent knowledge about all the frameworks to get the best of the results out of it.


Several web frameworks are there, and they are designed accordingly as per the needs in the market as per the demands. They keep a check on the exchange of data between the servers and the users, help in developing back-end components, and connect the developed applications with other web services.

Author Bio

Ronak Meghani is a serial entrepreneur & eCommerce Consultant who has worked with small-medium-large companies. He is a co-founder of Magneto IT Solutions and has been closely working with eCommerce ventures since 2010. He has helped 200-plus international brands for building/improving their online ventures in the area of UI/UX, development, launching, revenue enhancement, marketing strategy, Magento development, eCommerce support, and much more, and 90% of ventures are generating very good revenue. He’s enthusiastic about start-ups, entrepreneurship, sports, home decor eCommerce, automotive eCommerce, gems & jewelry eCommerce, electronics eCommerce, and all things marketing.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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