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Tips for Including Story in Your Social Media Marketing

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Social Media MarketingYou may not read like you used to, and maybe it’s been awhile since you saw a good movie, but that doesn’t change this fact:

You love a good story.

Who doesn’t? We’re are programmed as a species to be captivated and connected by the stories we tell. Research done in Spain found that stories trigger more than just the language centers of our brain. If someone tells us about tastes, scents, or sensations, those areas of our brain light up like we’re experiencing it.

Now, what if I told you that you could accomplish these same kinds of things with storytelling on social media? It’s more than possible, it’s happening right now. Let’s find out how you can get started.

3 Epic Tips For Telling Stories in Your Social Media Marketing

We’re all storytellers, but not all of us tell stories the same way. Whether it’s in writing, images, video, or something else entirely, stories come in all manner of different forms. Harnessing this power that we all possess allows your brand to elevate itself on social media and connect to customers in a way no other methods can.

Let’s explore three ways you can start telling stories in your social media marketing:

1. Share Your Story

The first step is a very simple one:  share your our brand’s story. I’m not talking about a corporate speech you have prepared, I’m talking about the real and raw origins behind your brand. Where did the idea begin? How did it evolve? What struggles did you face up until this point?

People can resonate with this far more than a heavily prepared (and edited) story that many companies use to describe themselves. Now, you can tell your story in one of several different ways:

  • Through one post – You can opt to create a large post, a pinned tweet, or something semipermanent on your social media profiles. This would give you a space to tell your story and put it front and center.
  • In Your Bio – another option is to place your story within the bios on your social media sites. If there’s not enough space here, a link to your about page is another great option.
  • Through a series of posts – Writing consecutive posts is another option. You can split the story up into bite-sized pieces and connect them together.

2. Tell Their Stories

Customers are the most important part of your stories. If you focus on nothing but yourself and your brand, they’ll never connect in the way you want them to. Instead, focus on telling stories that place them at the center of attention. These can be based off of real events too. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to tell their story if you ask.

This is especially important if your product or service is a sensitive subject. For example, let’s say you offer tips for improving credit. This can be a touchy subject, as people with poor credit often made some mistakes to get where they are.

By allowing them to open up and talk about their situation, and how your service helped them, you can inspire others to use it as well. It creates a great environment for building trust and loyalty with your brand.

3. Use Multiple Types of Content

Not all stories are told through words, as we’ve previously discussed. Stories can be told through images and video as well. It just so happens that both of these things are also very strong options for social media success, so the two go hand-in-hand.

Consider these statistics about visuals and videos on social media:

So, it’s clear that visuals and video are effective, but if you combine them with storytelling, you can amplify their power. For example, a simple picture from behind-the-scenes can spark conversation about how your brand works tirelessly to improve your product or service for customers.

With the rise of platforms like Facebook Live, you can also create candid and authentic video streams. Whether it’s a typical day at the office, or you’re at an event, anyone with a phone can start streaming and generate huge amounts of engagement for their brand.

If text is all you have time for, simply try to weave a story into your quick updates. Anything to breathe life into the update and make it more human will go a long way.

Final Thoughts

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can make your marketing memorable. Consider these tips as you develop your online strategies and remember to create emotional connections with your customers for the best long-term results.

How do you incorporate storytelling into your marketing strategy? Let us know in the comments!

Amanda Soriano is an experienced online marketer and a regular trade show attendee. She enjoys helping brands make their mark on the digital world and the real one.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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