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Shopify vs Magento - Which is a Better Choice for your Small Business

Shopify vs Magento – Which is a Better Choice for your Small Business?

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Shopify and Magento (Adobe Commerce) stand out as the leading platforms for developing online stores. Both offer robust features tailored to the needs of online retailers, but they differ significantly in terms of functionality, flexibility, pricing, and ease of use.

While Shopify provides a user-friendly, all-in-one solution suitable for small businesses aiming for growth and simplicity in the website development process, Magento offers unparalleled scalability and customization. As both platforms come with their set of benefits and limitations, choosing one between them can be challenging. 

Read on to delve into a thorough comparison between the two platforms to wisely choose the one that can cater to your eCommerce website development needs.

Shopify vs Magento: An overview of both platforms


Shopify is a cloud-based eCommerce platform that is known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive set of features. As per builtwith, Shopify has 7M+ customers and 4M+ live websites. 

This eCommerce platform caters primarily to SMEs looking for an easy approach to setting up and managing online stores without extensive technical expertise.

Key features

  • Customizable templates
  • Integrated payment processing
  • Inventory management
  • Order tracking
  • Marketing tools
  • Third-party integrations


Magento is a robust eCommerce platform that is available as both free and premium options. It is renowned for its flexibility and scalability, making it a preferred choice for large enterprises and businesses with complex requirements. This platform has gained considerable popularity; according to builtwith’s data, Magento boasts over 6L+ customers and more than 1.27L active websites.

Key features

  • Highly customizable
  • Flexible design options
  • Robust product management
  • Advanced order management
  • Extensive payment options
  • Comprehensive shipping solutions
  • Multi-store management

Shopify vs Magento: The pros and cons


Benefits Limitations
Hosted solution – Being a fully hosted platform, Shopify takes care of server maintenance and security updates. Limited customization – While Shopify offers a variety of themes and customization options, users may find it challenging to achieve highly unique designs compared to fully customizable platforms like Magento.
App ecosystem – Shopify offers a vast array of third-party apps and integrations through its App Store, allowing users to extend the functionality of their stores with ease. Transaction fees – Shopify charges transaction fees if using an external payment gateway. Charges vary according to different plans. However, there are no charges when using Shopify Payments.
Scalability – Shopify scales well with businesses of all sizes, offering different pricing plans to accommodate business growth.
Customer support – Shopify provides 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and live chat, ensuring that users can get assistance whenever they encounter issues or have questions.


Benefits Limitations
High level of customization – Magento offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options, allowing businesses to create highly tailored and unique online stores that meet their specific needs. Technical expertise – It requires one to be tech-savvy for setting up and managing a Magento store. If you lack technical expertise, leveraging Magento’s potential will be complex without hiring expert Magento developers.
Scalability – Magento is designed to handle large volumes of traffic and transactions, making it suitable for growing businesses and enterprises with complex requirements. Higher upfront costs – While Magento’s Community Edition is free to download and use, businesses may incur significant costs for hosting, development, and customization.
Extensive community support – Magento has a vibrant community of developers, designers, and merchants who contribute to its ecosystem, providing resources, extensions, and support to users. Longer setup time – Due to the complexity and customization options of Magento, setting up an online store on this platform can take longer compared to hosted solutions like Shopify.
Open-source platform – Magento comes with a free-to-use version that allows developers to modify and extend the platform to suit their requirements completely. Limited customer support – Magento’s community edition does not come with official customer support from Magento Inc., so users may need to rely on community forums, documentation, or third-party support services for assistance.

Shopify vs Magento: Factor-based comparison

Let’s now look at the differences between Shopify and Magento based on various factors like ease of use, customization, pricing, and payment options. 

Pricing structure

Shopify offers subscription-based pricing with various plans ranging from basic to advanced features. While these plans include hosting, security, and customer support, users may incur additional costs when purchasing themes and plugins or paying transaction fees. Here are the three primary pricing plans that Shopify offers –

    • Shopify Basic – $39/month
    • Shopify – $105/month
    • Advanced Shopify – $399/month

Magento is open-source and free to download, but users need to consider the costs associated with hosting, development, and maintenance. While this can be expensive upfront, especially for small businesses, it may be cost-effective in the long run for large enterprises with complex requirements. 

Additionally, Magento offers a paid enterprise edition with advanced features and support services. The pricing plans of Magento along with their licensing fees are as follows –

  • Magento open-source – Free
  • Magento Commerce – $22,000 – $125,000/year
  • Magento Commerce Cloud – $40,000 – $190,000/year

The verdict

For small businesses with budget constraints, Shopify wins in terms of pricing. However, Magento may offer better value for large enterprises with specific needs.

Shopify allows users to get started by investing a little and extending their plans as per their requirements. Opting for Basic Shopify facilitates users to set up their storefront and feature unlimited products. It does not require much technical expertise and thus eliminates the need to hire experts. 

In contrast, if you choose Magento’s open-source edition, the pricing will depend on your needs, whereas for other editions, you will need to pay a heavy price. Additionally with Magento, if you are not tech-savvy, you will need to obtain Magento website development services from an experienced developer.


While Shopify offers a range of customizable themes and plugins, it has limitations in terms of extensive customization. Although it lets website owners modify their store’s appearance and functionality to a certain extent, they may encounter challenges when trying to implement highly specialized features.

Magento is highly customizable and allows users to have complete control over their store’s design and functionality. It provides access to the source code, enabling developers to create tailored eCommerce solutions.

The verdict

For small business owners with moderate customization requirements, Shopify eCommerce development can be the way to go. But, in case you have complex website development needs, choose Magento.


Shopify is a hosted solution, and it takes care of hosting and server maintenance for its users. It offers scalable plans to accommodate the growing needs of businesses of all sizes. The platform can effectively handle increased traffic, sales volume, and product offerings. Its cloud-based infrastructure ensures seamless scalability without compromising performance.

Magento, being highly customizable and scalable, suits businesses with ambitious growth plans. However, achieving scalability with Magento may require ample technical expertise and investment in infrastructure to maintain optimal performance.

The verdict

Both platforms are scalable, but Shopify’s managed infrastructure may be more suitable for small businesses seeking hassle-free scalability.

Payment gateways and integration

Shopify offers seamless integration with numerous payment gateways, including popular options like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. It also provides its payment gateway, Shopify Payments, which can streamline the checkout process for users.

Magento also supports a wide range of payment gateways like Authorize.net, Braintree, and PayPal and offers flexibility in integrating custom solutions. However, the setup and configuration of these payment options may require more technical expertise than Shopify.

The verdict

Both platforms offer robust payment gateway integrations, but Shopify’s streamlined payment processing and integration options make it preferable for small businesses seeking simplicity. 


Shopify is a hosted solution, which means it takes care of security patches, updates, and PCI compliance for its users. This eCommerce platform employs robust security measures, including SSL encryption, fraud detection, and regular security audits, to protect customer data and transactions.

Magento also prioritizes security with features like data encryption and access controls. However, if you choose Magento’s open-source edition, you will be responsible for managing security measures such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and server updates.

The verdict

Though both platforms prioritize security, Shopify’s managed infrastructure and automatic updates may offer greater peace of mind for small businesses with limited resources.

Summary – Unsure whether to choose Shopify or Magento for your eCommerce website development? Our comprehensive comparison guide includes the key differences between both platforms. This guide covers everything to help you make an informed choice when selecting the ideal eCommerce platform to meet your specific needs and goals.


It is important to note that both platforms can cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes. While Shopify may be more accessible for small ventures, Magento offers unparalleled customization, scalability, and advanced features that can accommodate growth.

Ultimately, the decision of choosing between Shopify and Magento should be based on factors that focus on business size, technical expertise, customization needs, budget, and long-term growth strategy.

Author Bio : Amelia Swank is a senior web and app developer with over 8 years of experience. Currently with SunTec India, she specializes in the domain of digital solutions, specifically eCommerce Development, WordPress Development, iPhone app development. Her passion for technology fuels her writing, aimed at spreading insights to all. Amelia closely follows the latest IT advances to share her expertise with those interested in the field.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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