Cleaning companies are becoming more and more popular. That’s why starting cleaning service business can be a very successful deal. It is not as difficult as it may seem, but it is important to know what you need to start this kind of business. First of all this is, of course, qualified staff, professional equipment and cleansers. If you want to make it really successful, you can place an ad about your business on Jiji! You can be sure that hundreds, or even thousands of people will see your ad. Jiji is very popular and trusted website. Starting business with Jiji is a reasonable thought!
How to get into this business?
For this purpose it is necessary to immediately find potential clients in order not to go broke and recoup at least a small part of the costs. The best thing is to buy all necessary cleansers after agreement with the customer. After all, for example, cleaning a small premise will require much less costs than to clean a larger one.
It is advisable to immediately find a premise you’ll have to clean several times a week, and thus ensure stable earnings for your cleaning company. For such purposes the best option would be an office or a small shopping center that needs a weekly cleaning.
Besides, it will be fine, if you define a specialization of your cleaning company. For example, you can specialize on cleaning sofas. This type of services is quite in demand.
Thus, ordinary housewives will be your potential customers.
At the first stage you’ll have many functions, but as the company matures, you will be able to employ more and more people.
You must start with the personnel that will be engaged in cleaning, because this is the essence of your business. The number of people depends on the size of premises you are going to clean and how many orders per day you will have. On initial stage you will need only 2-3 experienced cleaners. It is important that they could work with equipment and detergents, and took into account the wishes of customers.
In order to start cleaning service business with a full staff you will need a driver who will transport them from object to object. For these purposes you will also need a minivan – it must fit all people and all the equipment. In order to save on buying a vehicle, you can search the driver with his own car.
Looking for staff for cleaning company you can use online ads or take the help of friends, perhaps they will be able to recommend someone, good reviews can be very helpful when it comes to hiring a person for a job.
There are courses for employees of cleaning companies, these courses will be very useful for your staff. Moreover, as a rule, such courses can help you make very useful contacts that will prove useful for business promotion.