Social media is quickly becoming as ubiquitous as TVs, so for a baby business to boom, an active presence in social media is a must. It is a line which serves as one of the direct connections business owners have with clients; however, like all marketing strategies, social media management must be done with great care, with features maximized both by the business owner and the client. That being said, social media strategy is very much like dating! Here are five reasons why.
Accessible. If you’re trying to woo clients like a potential date, you must be accessible. Long-distance relationships are not preferred due to the limitations in communication, but thanks to social media management, someone somewhere in the world, like a potential client, could be clicking a link to your website. It is important, however, to manage the social networking sites in which your links are posted and to include as many words on your website as necessary for search engines to locate. Your website could be singing, “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” to your clients in no time.
Specific. Have a target audience. Your business must have a target market, just like how any other bachelor or bachelorette out there has a specific type. After being clear on your target market, find ways on how to reach them, and research on social media websites they frequently use. You want to be seen, so it is important to promote social media page in the right places.
Attractive. You dress your best for a potential date. Likewise, to promote social media page, put on a good front. Usually, they do judge books by their covers, so give them a cover to revel in! Make your post worthy of being stopped for after minutes of scrolling. It’s okay to peacock for your clients as a social media strategy, but make sure that your front is actually what they are looking for. A date in the form of a client clicking for your website will be ensured in no time.
Informational. They say the purpose of dating is to get to know the other. If a potential client is going to stumble upon your services, they must know what they are getting themselves into. Provide as much information as possible in a social media post, but do not overwhelm them with flowers in the form of too many words or images. Keep it simple and mysterious, but enough to let them know that your services are what they are looking for, and that by clicking for your website, they have come to the right place for a date to know more about your business. Content is essential for social media management.
Fresh. Always bring something new to the table. Updating your social media posts regularly is an active form of advertising and helps promote social media page. Let your client know you are always there and ready to mingle as part of your social media strategy. Actively research on what words, images or links may directly lead to your services, as well as what is currently relevant. Keep the fires alive, and your website will have all the clicks you want.
Andy Thompson has been a freelance writer for a long while. Her passion in writing is her main drive in crafting articles that are engaging, informative, and meaningful. Her partnership with TroopSocial has given her a whole new opportunity to take writing to a whole new level.