Competitor keyword analysis: What is the secret of your competitor’s success?

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Are you trying to reinvent your company SEO? Then there are a couple of things you need to know – search engine optimization is not as difficult as you believe it to be and keyword research can take you a long way. Competitive analysis of a website can give you the insight of its keyword choices, organic traffic and other aspects of its digital marketing campaign. As the name suggests, it is the process of obtaining information on a rival brand’s SEO strategies. You need to tap into the available competitive intelligence to be able to find out all about the plans that have worked for your immediate competitors.

The crux of any high-performing SEO strategy is keyword research and competition analysis. Now, keyword competition is a multi-faceted system, and one tool is not enough to follow it. In the simplest words, it is the difficulty of ranking for a keyword. That means it will give you a comprehensive view of how many sites you need to beat to become visible to the search engines. Here are a few things you need to learn about the competitiveness of a keyword –

  1. How popular is it in the entire market?
  2. How competitive is it within a particular industry?

These might seem like two straightforward questions that can have one-word answers, but things are not as simple as we always want them to be. Keyword analysis requires multiple toolsets, and you need something more than an essential keyword tool for your research.

What will a competitive analysis give you?

Keyword competitive analysis can give your brand an edge over your competitors. Here are the few advantages of leveraging the competitive analysis of a keyword –

  1. You should be able to utilize all the available resources you have at hand.
  2. You need to find the right keywords with impressive search volumes that others are not focusing on at this moment.
  • You can also get your hands on the most rewarding keyword choices that contribute to your competitor’s highest ROI.
  1. You can try to go after the high return keywords and improve your organic traffic.

These are only a few of the lucrative opportunities that all competitive analysis provides to an SEO expert or a website owner. It gives them a path to outperform their competitors. Check out Client Surge for some foolproof ways to sit on top of the SRL.

How to go about competitive keyword analysis?

2018 is the year for customer experience. There is nothing more important to Google, third-party business review sites and brands than customer experience. Moreover, have you ever come across online visitors who were as sophisticated and aware as today? The straightforward answer is “No.” The market has become competitive due to the rapid rise of millions of businesses and due to the rising awareness amidst your regular customers. They know how to use search engines to find the products they want, seek the sites with the best prices and buy from the sellers with the best reviews. There is no way you can trick the system.

How do keyword research and competition analysis help with brand marketing?

The only way to beat other sites is by intercepting the search intent of your potential customers. Their intention for searching will be different at each point of the journey. That is also why it has never been as crucial for any brand to focus on their keyword use and content as it is now. In case the target keyphrase or keyword does not match the intent, you will lose these visitors to your competitors. Learning about their search intent will help you in the following ways –

  1. Your content will be more targeted and effective.
  2. You will enjoy higher search engine traffic since a better content quality (along with meta description) will also improve your CTR.
  • If you can target the right customers through the use of select keywords and key phrases, your ROI will shoot through the roof.

Including the keywords in the right place is more important than running the analysis. Once you know who your main competitors are, you can always take a cue from them about the use of the keyword sets. First, find out which sets each one of them uses and next, find out the corresponding traffic for each one of them. Then, it is time for you to incorporate these traffic-magnets into your site content. Always remember to include them in parts of your website that Google search engine bots will crawl.

What kind of content does justice to your keyword selection?

What type of content do you have in mind? Apart from website content, product descriptions and service descriptions, you need to think about blogs, white papers, eBooks, video transcripts, testimonials, reviews, podcasts, FAQs, case studies, buyers’ guides (customers love “how-to” guides), news and infographics. Among all of these FAQs and buyer’s guides generate the majority of search engine traffic. People rely on voice assistants greatly right now, and almost all the user’s searches are in the form of questions. For example – “Siri, what is the best restaurant near me right now?” or “Cortana, which clothing store is having a clearance sale here?” These questions demand answers. The proverbial search engine friendly website content is not cutting it anymore. You need something that will throw your competition off and cement your position on the throne of the Google SRL.

Why does your business need a competition analysis?

A robust keyword competition analysis can give you that. You will get to learn about all your competition’s keyword tactics, their hidden SEO weapons and the secret of their stellar performance in the online landscape. Remember, a detailed analysis will give you a new perspective on your existing SEO strategies and keyword games, but it needs to usurp your entire digital marketing plan immediately. It will help you optimize the use of your available resources. For example – it will help you see how your competition is leveraging their presence on Twitter, while you might be focusing on paid advertising only. In short, it will help you realize which areas require improvement. It is the ubiquitous self-assessment for every business that wants to improve and outdo its competition soon.

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