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6 BigCommerce Design Tips for Better eCommerce Websites

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If you are thinking to open a Big Commerce store and start offering or already had a Big Commerce store for some time, how new is your store?

Do you get a great deal of listing perspectives and visitors? Or on the other hand, is your Big Commerce store design somewhat flat? There are a few things you can do to make your internet business store sparkle, and designs presents you tips to progress!

1. Get A Professional Logo

To start with, on the off chance that you are offering on the web and don’t have a brand behind you, it’s especially important that you look professional. A professional-looking logo goes far for this and can enable your customers to gain trust in your store.

A professional logo does not have to cost you dearly! You can ask Spark design services to make a significant professional logo for your better branding.

2. Adjust Your Favicon

I am always used to give feedback on so many sites, and a standout amongst the most widely recognised things that is left unchanged when somebody sets up their Bigcommerce store is their favicon.

A favicon is a small icon that appears on the tab of the program for your site. The default favicon on Bigcommerce is the Bigcommerce ‘B’ icon. You ought to create a custom icon that speaks to your brand. This can be an abbreviated form of your logo; you ought to get this made when designing your logo.

3. Make Beyond Any Doubt Social Media Icons Open In New Tabs

Most of the store admin make a mistake with their social media icons. Your icons should open in new tabs. On the off chance that they open in the same window or permanently divert the visitor, you’re pushing visitors away from your online store. Visitors will get distracted on Facebook (or whichever social media icon they clicked) and won’t return!

Make beyond any doubt your social media has fascinating and avant-garde content on it so when users navigate, there is content that captures their attention, and they’ll continue reading.

4. Add Your Store To Google My Business

Most of the people not only use Google the search engine but at the same time, it’s a most-used site when consumers utilise their mobile phones searching for products and places to visit and shop. These are just two of the reasons why you should list your business on Google. Listing is free and is a great way to get found and checked on by your customers.

On the off chance that your store doesn’t have a physical address, you can create a Google My Business brand page.

5. Thump Shipping Out Of The Park

On the off chance that you can offer free shipping. Fabricate it into the cost of your item or take a gander at it as a marketing cost. This will give you a competitive advantage.

On the off chance that you can’t offer free shipping on each purchase, you can always offer free shipping over a specific cart estimate. For example, offering free shipping on orders over $100 will encourage your customers to add more things to the cart.

A standout amongst the essential parts of offering free shipping or great shipping rates if you should advance your great shipping advantages. Put them on your landing page, at the upper left or right corner where your customers will see it.

6. Update Your Blog

So many stores have connections to their websites (usually in their footers) — yet their sites don’t have any content! A blog is a great way to increase your search motor outcomes so potential customers will run over your store while searching for something.

You don’t always have to blog about the latest things that have arrived in your store. Instead, you can give a way of life tips to your customers.

For example, on the off chance that you are offering homewares, you could compose a post on the most proficient method to style a visitor room. This naturally can incorporate to both your Pinterest boards as well as products you’re offering. In case you’re providing cookware, you could supply formulas that utilisation your things.

It’s an ideal opportunity to make your Bigcommerce store awesome. You’re in the eCommerce game to be outstanding — make beyond any doubt your store mirrors that! Take after these tips, and you’re well on your way to creating a beautiful Bigcommerce shop.

Hermit Chawla is a Marketing Manager at Sprak Design. He would love to share thoughts on Top Web Designing Agency, Lifestyle Design, Branding Firm, Exhibition design, etc.

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