At this time, consumers prefer visual content, so it is necessary that you integrate video marketing and inbound marketing in your strategies. Now people prefer to see and listen to read; it may have to do with today’s fast pace of life. So you have to get the most out of this technique.
New technologies have brought with them a new form of communication. Users receive and understand the information in a different way, which generates the need to create other types of content. For this reason, nowadays audiovisual materials are so popular in the world of digital marketing.
Take advantage of the popularity of this format to integrate video marketing and inbound marketing into your strategy. Once you run it you will start to see the difference in the results. It is recommended that you always adapt to technological advances and consumer demands.
What are the benefits you can get?
If you are still not sure about applying this strategy, you need to know the benefits you can obtain. So pay close attention to the positive aspects generated by the integration of video marketing and inbound marketing :
- Reinforce the image of your brand, thanks to the combination of audio and images. This audiovisual material gives you the possibility to connect with your audience effectively. It is ideal to tell the story of your company and its values.
- It is a short but effective strategy, exactly what is needed in these times where users have a fast pace of life. You must be able to get the message across in a short time; the first seconds are key to capturing the user’s attention.
- Increase your conversions due to the calls to action that you include in video marketing. Beyond promotional content, you can achieve it with online courses or tutorials.
- The higher the open rate in emails. By including this type of format in the emails, this percentage increases exponentially.
- Improve your SEO positioning– You just have to make sure that the content of your video is attractive. In this way, you will be able to share it, just like the users on the different digital platforms. This way you will boost traffic to your page and give your brand greater visibility. Without a doubt, it is ideal to appear in the first search results.
- Your content can be viral on different social networks, that is why it is important that you publish your videos on the different profiles of your brand. In this way, users can share and interact with you.
How to integrate video marketing and inbound marketing
The time has come for you to learn to integrate video marketing and inbound marketing into your strategy. As you could see, you will get many benefits that will boost your brand. So grab paper and pencil and take note of the steps that you will see below:
1. Study your inbound marketing strategy
Before moving on to integration, the first thing you should do is study your inbound marketing strategy. This means that you must clearly know your objectives, both for attracting leads, sales traffic, and branding. According to these parameters, you will create your future videos.
2. Determine the budget
Have you already set your goals? Perfect, now the next step is to define the budget that you will use for your video marketing strategy. The best thing about this is that you will not need to invest a millionaire sum, because currently there are online tools or applications that are free or with an accessible cost.
In this digital age, it is possible to create good quality videos with a good smartphone. And then you can edit it with one of the many applications that exist. But keep in mind that you will need some basic knowledge to make quality material.
Clearly, the budget can increase if you want to do a deeper job. This means that in the case of using a script, storyboard, specialized recording equipment, video or sound studio, editing, and post-production, it will cost you much more.
Keep in mind that either of the two ways is possible, it will only depend on how much you have to invest. If you are starting, you can start creating your audiovisuals with the help of editing tools that are mostly very practical.
3. Plan before creating
Surely you already want to start creating your videos, but you need to plan your strategy well first. You have to know what the goal of your video will be and make clear the action you want users to take. Determine the type of audience the frequency in which you will publish it and the channels through which you will broadcast it.
For this, you must have knowledge of the appropriate duration times for each channel. Also, the dimensions required for your audiovisual content to generate a good user experience.
4. Choose the broadcast channels
As you already know, there are different channels through which you can broadcast your videos. To make a good choice, you must evaluate which of them your target audience is in. But if you have doubts, don’t worry, now you will see some of the options that can help you:
A. Website
Your website can be one of your main channels to perfectly integrate video marketing and inbound marketing. It is ideal for creating a relationship with your leads. It is recommended that you evaluate your pages and which one you could apply it to. For example:
- Products: you can use a video to explain the benefits and features of what you sell.
- Services: here you can describe through an audiovisual what you do and showcases of problem-solving thanks to your work.
- About your brand: this is the section indicated to make storytelling in which you tell your story, values, mission, vision,… everything about your company.
- Landing page: how do you know the goal of this page is to convert and sell. Take advantage of videos to show what you offer and expose testimonials from satisfied customers.
B. Corporate Blog
Your blog articles don’t have the visibility you expect? So it is a great idea that you use video marketing to complement your texts. Remember that you are in front of an audience that is more attracted to visual content. Instead of writing the interviews, record them and you will see the difference in the results.
C. Email Marketing
There is no doubt about the scope of email marketing, but you can enhance it even more by adding a video. You can use it as a complement to the message since people prefer to see than read.
D. Social networks
Of course, social networks cannot be absent. A good social media strategy, coupled with video marketing, makes the perfect team. In addition, you have the advantage that many platforms have their own video editor.
YouTube is the platform par excellence for this format, but you have to have an active channel with frequent publications. You can also use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the famous TikTok. Find in which network your audience is most active and take advantage of it.
Remember to adapt your material to the formats and duration of each platform. In addition, it creates quality content that encourages users to interact with it and share it.
E. Advertising
Use video marketing to reinforce your paid advertising, it is ideal to promote yourself on different social networks. Currently, these digital platforms offer several alternatives to add and edit advertising videos. In fact, they do it natively and follow a specific objective.
A good example is Facebook Ads, one of the most complete platforms for advertising. This is specifically due to the large audience it has. Additionally, it is excellent for segmenting users, thus enhancing the effectiveness of ads and results.
You also have other options such as Twitter or Instagram, which have joined the boom in advertising video marketing. What you should do is analyze which network your audience is most active, since the success of the campaign will depend on this.
5. Analyze and improve your strategy
You must bear in mind that it is not just about creating a good video, uploading it, and voila. You may think that you made a successful visual content and liked by your audience. However, that will only be confirmed by the final results. For that reason, it is important that you analyze the metrics, so you can know what you did well and what you should improve.
This is what will help you optimize your strategy because if you don’t know what you’re failing at, you won’t be able to fix it. Always listen to your audience, read the comments, take surveys, etc. Use all the tools available to you to determine that your strategy is really succeeding.
Now that you know how you can integrate video marketing and inbound marketing, you just have to get down to work. Remember that you must work your content around your audience, they will be your best allies.
Author Bio
Name- Raunak Pandey
Bio- Raunak is a Mechanical Engineer by qualification & Marketer by passion. He is the founder of Maiden Stride, a leading digital marketing company that provides world-class search engine marketing services and website & application development.