When considering creating a website, it is important to look out for the best, yet most affordable, web host. Since building a website can be complex and expensive, you also would want to go with a host that will not add to your problems. This means that the host you go for should not sabotage your search engine optimization efforts with prolonged downtimes.
This boils down to identifying the very best host who is also budget friendly, while also providing the functionalities you require. So, how do you identify such a host without compromising on quality and level of service? Below are the check points.
Choosing a Cheap Web Host
To start with, the price tag attached to the host account should be affordable and within your budget. This price should also cater for all your hosting features and requirements for a functional website. Again, the price should be without any hidden charges that surprise you after you have committed to the host by paying the front end cost. A cheap host should be just that; cheap!
Besides being affordable, the hosting company should also support their services with after sales services. These include a good general support team, a technical team and a billing support team. This way, you will be covered on all aspects by your host. Not only should the support desk be available, but it should also be easy to reach via multiple communication channels. These include a toll free call line, a premium charged phone line, support email, social media profiles, Skype and a support ticket form. The more ways there are of getting in touch with the host’s support desk, the better it is for you.
Control Panel
The best cheap hosts are those that also offer a user-friendly interface with their hosting accounts. It is important to be able to set up your website fast after buying a hosting account. If the user interface is hard to follow and work in, then you will be unnecessarily delayed in completing your projects. The best hosting accounts are the ones that run cPanel. It is one of the simplest interfaces even for the technically challenged computer user.
Besides being cheap, a good host should also offer flexibility in their services. This means that, should you experience growth with your website in terms of traffic increase and even business growth, it will be easy to upgrade your cheap account to a more fitting one. In other words, your web host should allow room for growth without necessitating website transfer to a different host.
Finally, gather all the information you can about the cheap host’s service reputation from those who have used them, as well as from web hosting experts and critics. The best place to start with this exercise is a leading cheap hosting review site like https://inexpensivewebhosting.reviews. Simply visit such a site and get unbiased reviews on your choice web host and you can be sure you will choose the right one.