Social Media Management Can Boost Your Conversions – Here’s How!

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Social media is developing more and more every day. What was relevant yesterday no longer exists today. Every marketer needs to be aware of every change happening on the most important social networks.

This is important because these changes directly affect marketing campaigns. A poorly-tailored ad will heed bad results, and this could result in a loss of clients. Every successful marketer is aware of the changes ahead – even before they happen. This way they’re ready for the changes and can take action with time. 

If you happen to be interested in this matter, read the following and learn more about it. See how social media can boost conversions and make a huge change.


Get more influencers to promote your products


Influencer marketing has turned into a new branch of the marketing industry. In the last five years – as the influencers have gained relevance, the industry has generated between 5 and 10 billion US dollars. Influencers turned into a highly important feature in all marketing strategies. 

Research by TapInfluence discovered that Influencers provide an ROI 11 times higher than the standard marketing campaign. It seems like this is the most crucial part of the modern strategy.

How is this possible? It’s because clients are not trusting brands and companies – especially the millennials who would rather trust a colleague, friend, or stranger on the internet than a professional. In fact, 95% of clients say that they don’t trust companies. 

This is why it is wise to include influencers in your campaigns – because they help generate conversions.


Use videos in your ads


Social media usage statistics show that people love videos. On Instagram, posts that contain videos receive twice as many comments as text and picture posts. Another interesting fact is that users understand the content of the video better than the textual explanation in 97% of cases. That’s almost everyone. 

Reports show that video ads help companies increase sales too, which is probably the most important issue in the marketing business. 76% of companies reported that videos helped them with this. 


Target the audience properly


To make the best for your campaign, you need to target the audience accurately. For example, if you’re running an ad about the new vehicle your company is releasing, there’s no logic to write a textual ad – you need a video message. For this, you should choose the best social network, and use special software to make the ad look professional.

With that being said, it will be best if you promote the product on YouTube and Instagram, but there’s no need for a Twitter campaign. Also, it’s proven that men buy more cars, so you need to target the male audience on social networks.


Don’t hesitate to pay (In order to reach wider audiences)


Unless you’re Samsung or Real Madrid, then chances are you don’t have a Facebook page with millions of followers. These two have a large fan base. The first one has 159.8 million fans, while the second one has 109.5 million. They don’t need to pay extra to spread the news on Facebook.

However, if you’re a regular company that needs a product presented to the public, it’s best if you pay the platform to boost your campaign. Having more people see it, together with the other features that need to be done perfectly, you can be sure that you’ll have one excellent campaign that will generate lots of conversions.




These are four very important features that will help get your brand a lot of conversions. If you do it right and make a perfect campaign following the rules, you will be sure to increase conversions.

Social networks are a great place for people to communicate and have fun, but they are also where billions of dollars are spent on various industries. Companies who manage to hire the best marketers and create perfect ads will surely see a great return of investment.

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