Blogging seems to be the coolest profession nowadays. Some few years ago, it was listed as a hobby in most people’s resumes but today it is under the professional background section. This is because the world is beginning to recognize the power of blogs. A blog can do immensely great damage or good. It only depends on who gets to see the content of the blog. A single blog post can make a huge company send innumerable press statements and apology letters to small countries and individuals. This is the power of blogging.
However, in order for blogging to be this successful, you would need to do it properly. This means taking into account search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is that group of activities that most people working online wish they would never have to deal with. It is very complicated and when you do not have a team of experts helping, you might not get to enjoy its full power. There are so many brands that have made great strides thanks to blogging and search engine optimization.
The best financial blog on the planet is one of the leading finance companies on the planet. The company became famous thanks to its financial blog. MintLife was the trusted source of financial information for many people. If you had a financial dilemma it was the site to visit. Right now there are so many places where you can get financial information from. The thing that made Mint’s blog such a huge hit was the fact that they invested greatly in delivering premium quality content for their audience. Eventually, it is this audience that converted into customers.
Mint was sold for a staggering $170 million a few years ago. The blog still remains to be an integral part of the company’s website. With a team of experts in content development and SEO, Mint Life brought people in from all over the planet. A person in the Amazon jungle probably knows what Mint is about. You too can achieve such great feats with your blog by making use of the best online marketing services that are offered by SEO companies.
Before you start your blog
There are several things that you will have to do before you start your blog. For starters, you have to keep any ideas of getting your blog to become famous within a day or two. Some blogs have taken years to become popular and stable. Well, generally with social media and other online marketing strategies you can bring your blog to people all over the world with more ease. You will not have to wait for years in order to get returns from your website. took about six months to get their blog to draw in stable traffic with plenty of returning visitors.
Secondly, you need to prepare for your content development. It is advisable to create about fifty topics to start with. If you are able to easily come up with fifty topics on whatever niche you decide to work with then blogging will be easy for you. This is because you will have to develop fresh content every once in a while. You cannot have content if you do not have a topic to write about.
Thirdly, it is important to identify your audience. The content is going to be developed with your target audience in mind. For instance, if you are creating content on finance you can write finance for teenagers and the youth which will be quite different from the content that you will develop for senior citizens. Teenagers want to know how they can save up and get big discounts while shopping online. Senior citizens want to understand the dynamics of insurance, reverse mortgaging and such issues. The audience will make it possible for you to create good content.
Running a blog on your site
Google is quoted saying that having a larger website with more indexed pages does not always mean that you will rank highly in the search engine results pages. However, this should not be taken to mean that having a large site does not have any value. As a matter of fact, the pages provide an increased opportunity to get better ranking on the search engines.
Running a blog on your website generally increases the number of pages that your site has. Every new page that you will add will be an added opportunity to rank for a keyword. It will also make it possible for you to engage visitors while at the same time obtaining PageRank. More links will come naturally to direct people from one page on your site to another one. This makes it possible for people to engage with your site better. You are able to establish your authority through the backlinks created because you will have more pages of information that allow other websites to link to you.
Fresh and diverse content
The best thing about MintLife is the fact that it had fresh content all the time. The blog was updated on a regular basis unlike most blogs which are updated once every three or so months. had created a fantastic editorial and content development team. These people’s work was to ensure that the blog had minty fresh content all the time. It was not only about fresh content but also high quality content. It is possible to have content available every day of the week but then the quality will be questionable.
On top of having fresh content, Mint’s content was not limited to articles about finance. They have videos. Slideshows, webinars and podcasts were also part of the content. The best thing that you can do for your blog is to create diverse material. Do not limit your audience to articles only. There are people who just do not like reading because it takes a very long time for them to complete. Such people can listen to your podcasts or watch videos. Such a blog will be catering to the needs of a variety of people visiting site.
Derek Iwasiuk run’s national digital search engine optimization firm has its headquarters in Minneapolis. Also spends a lot of his free time educating the minds of thousands of young SEO’s and top agencies. You can also follow him on twitter @Diwasiuk to find out more about blogging and other online marketing services