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Streaming Data Analytics for IoT and Big Data in Real-time

We all remember the time a few years ago when it was impossible to analyze petabytes of data. Hadoop’s emergence made it simple to run analytical queries on vast amounts of data. We’ll know that “Big Data is a buzz” from last few years, but advanced data pipelines are receiving data at a high ingestion…

The Future of Data Analytics with Qlik-Sense

Data analysis is changing into redistributed in several organizations, creating them a lot of showing intelligence nimble and new tools are creating analysis attainable for non-data specialists. Analyzing client information Data analysis and reportage became way more refined over the last five years. Team roles like Data scientists and web analysts have gone from being…

Cyber Risks in IoT

To create value for the business, the Internet of Things (IoT) offers several new ways. However, the uninterrupted data sharing connectivity also creates new opportunities to compromises information. Let’s start discussing the significant differences that make IoT from that the general internet. It doesn’t rely on human intervention to function. Sensors with the IoT, can…

Selenium Automation Leveraging Responsive Web Design Testing Strategy

It is essential to test and design your website to be responsive to such factors to make it more consistent UX and changing network conditions. There exists a clear transition towards developing responsive site design over the past few years. Some of the factors responsible for adopting these factors are discussed as follows: Easy maintenance…

Tips to Start Career in Web Design

Web Design is the art of creating, conceptualizing and updating WebPages for a website using interactive elements like text, icons, Images, and interactive features. It also involves website structure, information architecture, navigation ergonomics, user interface, colors, website layout, fonts, contrasts, and imagery as well as icons design. The design of a website describes the front-end…

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