3 Characteristics Of Productive Remote Developers

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It’s entirely feasible to make a remote business model work, but there are definitely a few strategies you’ll need to put into practice for the best success. Firstly, you’re going to need requisite funding for the endeavor. If you’re an existing business that is looking to branch out, diversify, expand competitiveness, or simply optimize, you may find what you save in finding the way to work remotely over time overcomes their implementation cost.

But even if you’re not in a position to foot the bill and tread water while profitability catches up, there are crowdfund options worth considering. Certainly, you’ll have to find some way to fund your remote operation. Offset profits and loans are a great way, and something else you can do is find the greatest savings possible in transition.

Consider cloud computing and BYOD. Bring Your Own Device is a means of operation that allows businesses to outsource internal machines. Through the cloud, you can outsource the on-site servers of your network. Remote employees can then access your network from anywhere, complete work on their time, and ultimately yield greater productivity.

That said, the whole thing can implode if you get the wrong remote workers on your team. An existing operation’s transition may involve trading out or shuffling around human assets. However you do it, there are at least three qualities you’ll definitely want to look into when it comes to managing remote personnel.

  1. Self-Motivated Individuals

This one is a little bit obvious but worth remarking. Remote workers aren’t going to have the same kind of management goading them onto success as on-site personnel. Accordingly, they’re going slack if they have a personality given to laziness, or cutting corners. If you’ll excuse an allusion to The Andy Griffith Show, you’re looking for white-collar Barney Fiefs. Not in the goofy way, in the by-the-book way.

You want individuals who have already been trying to prove themselves in a legitimate way in positions where they may seldom meet with others in the company. Trust is hard, and you’re more likely to find it in such a circumstance. So ensure that as you phase out your operation to remote workers, you choose those who have high quotients of self-motivation.

  1. Critical-Thinking Problem Solvers

Self-motivated people are more likely to think their way through problems and solve them. They’ll understand that for them to continue advancing in a profitable way, they must diminish your workload. That means they fix things themselves when they can, and save you both time and money.

You’ll still need a help desk and some IT solution—be it “internal” or “external”. But if you have employees that have gotten themselves out of difficult situations in the past, that’s going to make your remote operations much more tenable. Situations will arise, and you won’t always be able to properly assist your employees.

However there is this beauty: if something crashes, instead of having a bunch of people milking the clock, you can just have them clock-out remotely, saving you money while you get the issue resolved.

  1. Responsible, Security-Conscious Workers

You’ll need remote time-card keeping capabilities if you’re going to maximize the cost-effectiveness of your remote employee model.

Additionally, beyond securing time-keeping, you need to ensure those who work remotely are avoiding problem networks and keeping your remotely accessible interface secure. Antivirus protocols and multi-factor verification are key. You can fudge it a bit here, though, if you bring in the proper training.

Provided you’ve got the right kind of people in the job, you can mold them through education as necessary. There are quite a few tech security education solutions out there, also; so if you don’t already have security enthusiasts on your staff, it would make sense to have regular refreshers in terms of proper cybersecurity conduct.

It’s Doable

Remote employees can replace the cost of a rental office, reduce machine expenses, and expand productivity. When you can choose your own hours, that’s incentive to provide good work. It’s the kind of job you want to keep. So generally, BYOD is going to be a good move if the transition and management of these remote employees is properly managed. Provided you get the right people in the job, this should be feasible.


Ashley is a super-connector who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.

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