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WordPress Multisite or Multiple WordPress Installation- Which Way to Go?

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If you are fully aware of the nuts and bolts of WordPress, then you would have probably heard of WordPress multisite. It’s a WordPress configuration which lets you manage multiple sites together using the common WordPress installation. Using this setting, one can instantly create and manage several websites using the same user name and password. You can even allow other users to sign up and manage website of their own.

In this post, we are going to discuss about WordPress multisite and how it outperforms multiple installations. I will explain the about the problems/benefits of both multisite and installations. So, that you can decide your way.

According to the WordPress Codex– “ Multisite is a feature of WordPress 3.0 and later versions that allows multiple virtual sites to share a single WordPress installation. When the multisite feature is activated, the original WordPress site can be converted to support a network of sites”.

In simple words, using a multisite means having an ability to run more than one website using a common codebase.

Why To Choose WordPress Multisite?

1. One of the major benefits of using multisite is that as a site admin you can conveniently handle multiple websites using a single dashboard. Also, it is super easy to handle plugins, themes and also upgrade them on a single go. There is only one backup needs to be maintained, which makes it easier for you to manage websites quickly.

2. Since, all the websites are managed using the common server, it could add to the loading time of your website. However, you can overcome this issue by paying more attention on the optimization of your website to make it fast and reliable.

3. Multisite network makes it possible for you to manage updates. You can update your themes and plugins on one install.

4. For the administrator of multi sites, one WordPress update is applicable to all the sites, and the same is applicable for plugins as well. On the contrary, the administrator of multiple standalone sites has to maintain each site separately. And the process of updating these sites are quite burdensome.

5. SEO works just fine in multisite installation because same search engines access them just like any other WordPress site.

When You Should Use Multisite

1. Creating a multisite makes sense when you and your members work on same subject or industry. The choice is good when the site users share common goals and have the ability to create and delete files on a frequent basis.

2. Multiple sites is a reliable solution for those websites which deal with similar content, but with different “personalities” . For example: conferences, book releases etc.

3. If you own a magazine website with different sections managed by different teams. Or a school website allowing students and teachers to manage their own blogs.

When Multisite is Not The Right Choice

1. Simply don’t go for multisite just because it is easy to get it up and running. Plugins and theme constraints create additional work load for the site administrator. This can also creates troubles and unnecessary restrictions on the other users.

2. There are chances that your plugins, themes and widgets might not work well in multisites.

3. Multisite website is not a good option for you if you run multiple websites with completely different needs. These sites also share common plugins and themes, which could create functionality overlapping. Plugins are like overheads for websites, so you could end up adding unnecessary add-ons to your website.

4. A developer working on a multisite has to be mindful about even a slightest of change because it could affect more the one site, therefore steps should be taken to avoid it.
By considering the points we have mentioned above, it could be said that, WordPress multisite is good when you have to run multiple websites with common objectives. However, standalone installation is appropriate when you want to run only few websites with difference requirements and goals.

Tools to Manage Mulitisite Website

Choosing to run a multisite website is a trickier decision. Site owners should consider the needs of their project and future plans before deciding which way you to go- multisite or a complete standalone site.

However, there are tools which you can use to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your WP multisite.

Manage WP

Manage WP is one of the most popular WordPress management services which comes complete with everything that allows you manage your site with ease. This is a sure way of keeping your site updated with the latest versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes. The service will save your enormous amount of time and offers you amazing functionalities to streamline your workflow and perform tasks seamlessly in the dashboard.

Some of its highlighting features include:

1. Add unlimited amount of posts and pages.

2. Manage and add users and also define their roles.

3. Use Google Analytics to know more about the response of your audience towards your website.

4. Schedule online backups.

WP Remote

WP Remote is all what you need to monitor and update your WordPress powered websites. With WP Remote, it’s absolutely easy to manage multiple updates at the time of plugin installation and themes. Plus, the service also allows you to enable Automatic Backups or your can even download a copy of your website in zip file format.

Some of the highlighting features of WP Remote Are:

1. One can enable automatic updates for plugins, themes, and core WordPress files. Also, it is easy for you to specify either minor or major Core releases.

2. With the facility like WordPress Extend, you can easily manage plugins and themes to expand the capabilities of your website.

3. One of the best features of WP Remote is Email Notifications. The feature will provide an optional daily summary for Premium users.

Infinite WP

A yet another website management tool, Infinite WP is a self-hosted WordPress management platform which makes it convenient for you to perform a range of tasks with just simple clicks. Infinite WP is not a plugin but a WordPress application with some handful of add-ons.

Wrapping Up

I hope you have now gained a pretty much idea about WordPress multisites and how they are different from standalone installations. Now, choose your path after considering your needs and abilities and thus successfully run your website.

Author Bio. :- Priya  is the technical content writer of Hopinfirst that helps startups and enterprises in mobile technology and having a great experience in software development, mobile app development, website development and digital marketing.

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