As a professional web designer or developer, you must design your website and make it easier for your visitors to use, the best impression you can leave for your visitors is ease experience. It doesn’t really matter if you had the best product in the world; if your website is not done properly or you have one or two of these annoying elements in your website, you will not be able to sell your products because these elements will be driving your visitors off your website to the advantage of your competitors.
When we talk about good design in web design, we don’t just mean the graphical aspect of it. There are other aspects of web design that make up the component of a professional web design and this includes but not limited to accessibility design, user experience design, interface or layout design, the graphic design etc. My focus today is not the element of a good website design but I want to point out two or three elements of a bad web design to avoid which may be driving your visitors away without your knowledge.
Here I want to highlight some of these annoying web design features that can drive your visitor crazy and I hope you can make out time to compare them to your own website and possible make necessary change to avoid driving your customers away from your website.
1) Background Music
If you are not running a website which promotes artists, a label or brand related to music, as a professional web developer, I will sincerely advice you to desist from putting background music into your business website. It might be interesting to you at first but just if imagine when a visitor is looking for something important to him and on landing to your page, the background music started playing. In the first place, he is not expecting any music and so he will be embarrassed. If you were the visitor, what will you do? If I were him, I will think I am in a wrong website and I will close it and search for another website. Furthermore, if the visitor is using slow connection, it will take a longer time for the website to load.
2) Extra Large/Small Text Size
As I mentioned, there is a lot more to web design than just purely graphics; the user accessibility is another big part of it too! As a professional web designer, you must design your text to be reasonably moderate – not too big not too small. This will help your visitors to read your website with ease and not coming too close to the screen or even wear eye glasses in other to read the text. Your text should not be extra large too; extra large text put your visitor off.
3) Popup windows
Popup windows are used to display adverts in some website and 90% of these popup windows are so annoying that when you are busy doing something important, it will pop up. Just imagine if your visitor was reading an article that will bring you sales and all of a sudden, your pop up window appears and distract the attention of the visitor. That means you have loosed that sales and the visitor might not show up on your website again. So you must be careful not to use a popup window on your website.
In conclusion, be reminded that as a webmaster, your main job is to ensure that your website do what it suppose to do. Don’t allow all these small mistakes to stop your website from performing its functions.
Do you have other things you think can annoy a visitor or even you as visitor to some website, what do find so annoying in some website that can make you leave at once? Share with webmasters to take correction when they are designing website for their client. Your comments please!