Are you aspiring to join the IT industry or are you already working in it? If yes, do you have a Microsoft certification in the product you specialize in? This is a question you should think about if you are an aspiring or an experienced IT professional without certification. IT experts say in order to develop as a professional in the IT industry and career market, you should consider taking Microsoft certification as you not only improve your career prospects in the industry but improve your personal set skills in the Microsoft products you work with every day.
How can a Microsoft certification score over your college degree?
If you check the IT industry and its job market, you will find everyone has a college degree as the basic joining qualification. This means if you think that your college degree is enough for you to make it big in the IT industry, you should think again- there are thousands out there with the same college degree. In order to get a competitive edge in the career market and to rise quickly up the corporate ladder, it makes sense to invest time and effort in a Microsoft certification so that recruiting managers shortlist your resume for IT posts currently in demand in the market.
Earn more with the help of a Microsoft certification
Do you know that a Microsoft certification also fetches you a better salary over those in the IT industry who do not have a certification in Microsoft products? Hiring managers of top-notch IT companies search for professionals that are certified in Microsoft products. The good news is there is a certification available for all Microsoft products in the IT industry. You need to speak to experts in the field to find out which certification you should undertake to get a competitive edge in the market.
Opting for a professional certification course online
You may opt for a Microsoft certification IT online training course if you are a working professional in the industry. When you are searching for the right course, it is prudent for you to go through the details of the course and the areas of specialization it covers. You should also check the criteria for eligibility before you sign up for the course. An online course helps you to both work and study at the same time. The course modules are created and designed in such a way that you can access them conveniently from any place and study at your own time and pace.
Online videos and practice tests
When you are enrolling for any Microsoft certification course, you will find there will be several practice tests and videos for you to follow. The duration of the course generally depends upon its level and contents. There are several advanced and instructor level courses available online, and they generally last from 5 days to eight weeks on an average.
Examination and re-takes
When you have finished studying all the course modules, you now have to take the test for completing the Microsoft certification. The time for the test again varies as per the Microsoft certification course is chosen. However, they do not last more than four hours. In case you are not successful in passing the test at the first attempt, you may re-attempt the examination in a span of 24 hours. Now, here again, if you fail, you have to wait for a specified time period to lapse before you are eligible to re-take the test again.
Re-certification tests
The IT industry is a dynamic one, and so every professional should be trained and equipped with the latest technologies when it comes to their career advancement in the field. Microsoft allows candidates to take re-certification tests in its products. The basic structure of the test is similar to the original test taken except the candidate has to be aware of the latest changes in product and practices in the field.
The good news of Microsoft certifications is there are no time limits for you to complete it. You may complete the certifications in a span of a few months to some years. The choice is yours. However, as an IT professional, experts say that if you really wish to succeed in your workplace and climb up the corporate ladder successfully, it is prudent to take a Microsoft certification or certification in software products so that your horizon of career advancement opportunities expand.
Therefore, from the above, it is evident that IT professionals can gain the strategic and competitive edge in every way when they take up Microsoft certifications. These certifications can be done from the comforts of any place with success. Online certifications help you to study at your own time and pace. When you are confident, you can appear for the test and pass out with flying colors!