It is very annoying when the Internet service provider have a slow connection. Slow downloads that are unable to watch movies or live streams in high resolution and intermittent connections while playing video games can devastation the online experience. The Fiber Optic Internet is one of the fastest internet transmission technologies and may be available. Choosing the best internet service for you depends on the internet service provider available near you, and to research about the service their speed and how much you want to spend. In this guide to speeding up the internet service provider, you will receive some tips to increase the speed of your internet.
How to speed up your internet connection?
You need to make sure that you can rectify the situation before trying to speed up your internet service provider. If you find that the internet service provider is slow, it is best to verify your doubts through an online speed test.
Start your router again after 5 minutes
Frequent shutting down of a machine for technical advice is a common start as it sometimes fixes the problem. You can manually unplug the router and plug it in again. Pressing the power button is usually on the back of the device, or you log in to the router through your browser and turn it off.
Connect antivirus software
It’s possible that something downloaded gets removed and the malware gets on your computer. Generally, the malware steals your bandwidth, which slows down the Internet service provider. If you’ve already used anti-virus software, you need to make sure that secure information like passwords and bank account information not only slows down your internet connection but can also endanger you.
Protect your browser
Viruses are usually spread through your browser. Therefore, it is important to protect this area. Your first step should be anti-virus software, but you can make it easier to work with a secure browser.
Practice ad block
Ads are frustrating and can interfere with your browsing experience, especially if you are initially concerned. If you are already loading ads, you should probably do this because more data is being retrieved from multiple servers and a longer wait is required before the web page can be loaded. Blocking ads and reducing the amount of data sent to your computer can speed up browsing as ads are often loaded before other content on a web page. It also makes the use of the Internet more bearable.
DNS and your Internet speed
DNS is similar to an Internet phone book, and the name of a site, such as, to a specific computer on which the site is hosted. When you try to access a website, your computer will have to search for addresses, and selecting a DNS server can affect how quickly the website loads. In your computer, router, or access point network settings, you can specify which primary and secondary DNS servers to use. By default, these may be compiled by your ISP, but they may be faster. You visit and surfing the Internet to speed up future visits to the same web site. This information is a DNS entry. If a web site transfers to a server and you need to redirect, your DNS records may become a faster barrier rather than better.
Delete your Internet Protocol
You also want to delete your Internet Protocol. Extensive history, storage downloads, cookies, and cached images can be helpful in slow contact.
- Click the three dots in the vertical column in the upper right corner of Chrome. In the drop-down menu that appears, select Settings to open a new tab.
- Click “Clear Browser Data”. A popup window opens with four options that can be safely deleted: “browsing history”, “download history”, “cookies and other website data” and “cached images and files”. Selected by default
- You also have the option of clearing your passwords, filling out data automatically, and more. Dropping them off can speed up Internet browsing and force you to remember all the passwords you have saved and forgotten.
However, it is safe to store your passwords in your password. We suggest you delete them after signing up with one of our best password managers.
Usage of Ethernet
Today, everyone uses Wi-Fi, which means the bandwidth used to transmit information can be crowded out, especially if there are many nearby devices and routers. This can be a big problem in an apartment complex or hostel, where everyone uses a wireless device. All traffic leads to overload which can slow down your speed. To troubleshoot, go to the Ethernet cable connected to your router. Ethernet is usually fast and subject to the same traffic which prevents Wi-Fi bandwidth. This is a good move, especially if you use a public WLAN, which you think may not be so secure.