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Get Prepared For the 2014 Google Algorithms

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Google launched panda and penguin algorithms to have a strict eye on the spamming with the two algorithms. Google is very serious about maintaining the quality of searches thus, it is important for the website owners to provide the best. otherwise there are highly chances of getting their sites banned. Lastly, when the algorithms were released there were many websites, which were affected, and they are still recovering. If you want to avoid this, then it is the time that you take professionals help.

SEO will make you popular

Different people have different   opinions about SEO, but there is no clear definition available for this. But we all know how important it is for your website visibility and now SEO has grown huge in demand. In simple ways SEO techniques will help you in getting quality traffic, will increase your popularity and will also make your business popular. But for this you will need a professional SEO servicesthat can help you in achieving what you want from your business.  Professionals are having expertise in all the aspects that will make your efforts work. They will also help you in getting prepared for the next panda and penguin algorithms

 Invest in Google+

Apart from professional help you will need to concentrate on certain areas such as investing in Google+, it will be beneficial for you. This is going to strength your overall social media. According to a recent report on the ranking factors it is conformed that Google + is going to have a significant role in the solid SEO ranking. There are some areas where you will need to focus immediately. Establishing a content and tie, it with Google+ account. This authorship is going to play an important role in the SERPs and will also strength your author rank.

Google humming bird

Year 2014 is clearly going to be a year of mobile SEO. Hummingbird, which was launched, was just a tip of the iceberg.  There is a huge number of worldwide population using smart phones and tablets and Google is struggling to respond to the shifting landscape. These statics are going to increase more in upcoming years. So as a result, your websites mobile performance is also going to affect your search rankings. Therefore, your websites needs to be first designed for the mobiles and then scaled up for big screens. If you are not having a website designed for the mobile then this is going to be your first preference in 2014.

There are plenty of things on which website owners will have to focus on.  Structure your content accordingly and also pay attention what type of content you are putting in. Google is not going to spare the websites as it has a huge responsibility of maintaining quality search engines.  You can contribute   by just hiring a professional company that can provide you with effective results.

Author bio

David is a freelance content writer and he has contributed in many blogs and articles such as internet marketing Miami. His articles are well researched and interesting.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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