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The smartphone and services for the blind & visually impaired

Choose aid Colors And Check Out The Color Of Your Favorable Objects With Ease

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With the serious growth in the technical field, it is not quite difficult to find an application for your use. Well, as a modern society is looking for ease of accessibility, the case remains just the same for visually impaired personalities. It is an inevitable truth that previously, blind people use to rely on the services, as presented by their nurse or family members. They had to live a life of dependency, which was not at all a good feeling for anyone. In order to get rid of this irritating dependency feel, the software engineers came up with the right applications for visually impaired. These relate with a specially designed Smartphone for blinds.

Checking out for the best option

The smartphone and services for the blind & visually impaired

The smartphone and services for the blind & visually impaired

If you start browsing through the internet, you are likely to come across some of the best names, under Smartphone applications for blinds. One such app is the AccessWorld. This application is an official one, which was published online by the American Blind Foundation and association. It is mostly an online magazine, solely dedicated towards the field of technology and for those, who are unable to see. This application is optimized with the help of iOS platform and for VoiceOver users.

Positive attributes of AccessWorld

This application comprises of several beneficial features, making this platform a reliable one for all. Through this service, you can browse and also read out the articles of your choice, from the new issue. There is an entire archive of such magnificent issues, which you can browse and go through, with this application. Moreover, if you want, you can even contact the AccessWorld Team and order for your favorable magazine. Thus, now, the book lovers do not have to worry at all. This application will not only find the right book for you but will read that too, on your behalf.

Other options available

Apart from the points related with AccessWorld, you can try and go for the aidColors option, which is another eminent application for blind Smartphone users. This application was developed by a renowned group, and it can help the blind people to identify the colors of any object, like clothing and more. This can again prove to be an educational tool for the little kids, who start learning new colors. You just have to place the camera of your phone over the product, and the application will recognize the color and states it aloud. In case of bad light, you are advisable to take help of something, with a white base.

Adding technology with tasks

The best part of aidColors is that it can mingle the technology with daily tasks. This is a simple game, which relates with not only little kids, but visually impaired personalities. The best part is that the profit earned by selling this application goes for charitable work to some of the social organizations. In case you are planning to use this application in any modern version of Smartphone, then it is likely to take help of the flash operation. These are some of the best android apps for visually impaired so that they can help to live life without any second help.

Focus towards the object well

When you are using features like aidColors, make sure to place the phone near its best position. It is advisable to place the phone nearly 4 inches away from the product whose color, you want to capture. You will get a beep sound when it is in the exact location. In case you are using any moderate camera Smartphone without any flash, make sure that the object is placed in a good light condition. This is paid software, which follows the 1.2 version.

Author Bio: Steven Johnson is likely to introduce some of the best android apps for visually impaired, in this article. He is aware of the latest applications and the new products, related with Smartphone for blinds.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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