It is an agreeable fact that your website is the most valuable asset you have for the marketing. It continuously sells. Are you confident enough of your business website that you can share its URL without any second thoughts? Or there’s something you feel apprehensive of – its responsiveness, inconsistency or any other factor?
Well, you don’t need to think much about it. Here’re 5 significant design marketing principles:
1) Responsiveness Matters: Visitors are quite specific in this matter and look for unity. Be sure that your website versions are aligning with that of mobile versions and can offer the user a swift transition for both the platforms. This simply implies that they should get similar experience – whether they use your website on their desktop or mobile devices.
So if the desktop and mobile versions vary, it’s best to go for a change and opt for a responsive website.
To cut the story short – a responsive website can serve as an amazing tool for whopping sales as it supports sharing on social channels while enhancing the overall speed of the website and getting good scores from Google. Moreover, it also lowers the ratio of bounce rates.
2) SEO-Friendliness: If you are not familiar with the term SEO, don’t feel embarrassed. You have marketing experts to handle it!
SEO basically means Search Engine Optimisation to make your website accessible by search engines. Whether you design your website on your own or getting help from some skilled SEO professional, it should comprise a fundamental on-page SEO that ensures you get ranked in searches.
SEO experts are bit expensive. You may doubt the worth of this investment. But you don’t need to pay a lot for SEO expertise if you have appropriate content that can capture your readers’ attention with its relevance and depth. Keyword/concept-based research, 301 redirects, internal and external linking, optimised images are some of the elements that help you make your website SEO friendly.
3) Sociability Carries Weight: Here’s something that you can clearly understand through your imaginary senses. Just think of a situation where the reader feels impressed with your post and wishes to share it, considering its relevance. And they realise that there isn’t any share button!
Uh-oh, you missed a wonderful opportunity to attract a lead, engage more audience and needless to say- you left the reader with a disappointing user experience.
Therefore, make sure you are providing the social sharing buttons on your website. After all, customers are social creatures. They can spread the word about your products, services, events, promotions and everything you want to enhance your brand visibility. All you need to do is give them the control.
Don’t miss any more opportunities to spread your business word and provide social sharing buttons on your website.
4) Visual Appeal Makes the Difference: Great content contributes a lot to visitor engagement. But there are some more factors responsible for making your website attractive.
It is a challenging task to keep the users engaged on your website once they have landed. You get only one chance to impress your visitors making them feel welcomed and instilling trust so that you can sell your services.
Make sure you have an appealing and consistent design supporting your content in order to achieve desired results. Here’re some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind for an impressive website design.
- Keep styles and shapes of design simple.
- Define clear CTAs and navigation structures.
- Make use of readable typography.
- Use real-life photos.
- Convey your business message within first few seconds.
- Distract visitors with too much flash and functionalities.
- Shower visitors with too many navigation options.
- Make excessive use of pop-ups.
- Play music when a visitor lands on your website.
5) Visitor Engagement is Significant: Are you an active blogger? Are you continuously updating your content?
A blog works as a prominent traffic driving agent for your website if you’re colonising it with the informative and valuable content.
But the important thing is – you need to maintain consistency!
Businesses that are regular in the blogging activities get 67% more leads than those who aren’t. Also, you shouldn’t expect good results from just a single post for a long haul. You should keep some time reserved to write a post. If you’re busy, seek some help from other resources to maintain the continuity. The best solution is hiring a content writer who can write regular posts for enhancing your brand’s recognition. When you’ll regularly publish the relevant content, you will start noticing:
1) Improved website traffic ratio.
2) More authority.
3) Increased conversion ratio and leads.
4) Enhanced user engagement.
Hope you got a clear idea about improving your website design for good results. Remember – If you’re missing any of the above-mentioned aspects, nobody else is damaging your brand’s image but you!
About us
Sr. Designer with Web Design Xperts, Kristy Bernales is also an active blogger. If it’s about designing, development, website redesigning or marketing – she likes exploring the depths and sharing the same with the fellow designers, developers and marketers.