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4 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Law Firm Should Use

4 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Law Firm Should Use

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4 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Law Firm Should UseIntroduction

Digital marketing for lawyers and attorneys is arguably one of the most competitive industries on the web. All players in this industry always feel the need to remain ahead of the curve of face of the high risk of being left behind the competition.

In today’s day and age having a law firm’s site at the top of search engine result pages (SERPs) is a lot more difficult and complicated than it used to be in the past. However, if you put enough time and effort in your law firm digital marketing campaigns you will be able to improve your site’s online visibility which will ensure that you have a steady stream of potential clients that keep revenue flowing in.

Online marketing for law firms is an extensive discipline which is exponentially evolving with every passing day and hence it can get difficult to figure out where exactly to focus your energies to get the best results.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do everything to achieve the results that you have been aiming for. Your focus should be on the strategies most relevant to your legal niche instead of investing yourself in too many strategies.

Hence this piece has been put together to enlist the four important online marketing for lawyer’s strategies that you should be using for the furtherance of your business goals. Let’s get started!

  1. Encourage Reviews:

Reviews are necessary in building a solid online presence for professionals in all industries and niches and the same extends to lawyers and law firms. It is common knowledge that an overwhelming majority of consumers are influenced by online reviews. In web marketing for law firms, reviews can make or break the success of your firm. Whenever people begin searching for law firms, they are in an hour of immediate need of such services.

The reviews they read about you makes them picture you helping them with their problems and that is why it is so important for you to proactively encourage reviews from your happy and satisfied clients.

You need to proactively seek reviews for your website, your Google and Facebook profile along with any law-specific websites. Reviews on all such platforms will help in building instant credibility for your business which enhances your chances of getting more business. You can encourage reviews by having a solid review-requesting plan in place.

  1. Optimize Your Website:

If you have a poorly-designed slow website in today’s day and age, then you aren’t likely to achieve any of your goals. Having a visually-appealing, well-designed website is important for all businesses in today’s day and age and the same extends to marketing for attorneys and law firms. If and when you have such a website, you will easily be able to convert traffic into leads and grow your revenues. You need to follow the best practices with all of the technical on-page elements to make sure prospects are able to easily use the website and determine if you can help them with their specific problem.

It goes without saying that you need to have a mobile-friendly website which loads quickly because otherwise you will have a high bounce rate which will have a detrimental impact on your rankings on SERPs.

You need to make sure that your website is responsive on different browsers on different devices, because such factors are very critical to how your site is ranked in SERPs and how much traffic it receives.

Further since more than half of mobile users leave a page that takes more than three seconds to load, you need to make sure that you have a website loads in three seconds or less. Finally, you need to make your website ADA-complaint because if you don’t do so, your website will be inaccessible to someone with a disability and you won’t get their business.

  1. Create Extraordinary Content:

Another tip is to create extraordinary content which solidifies your position as a go-to resource for information in your niche. There are many people who are looking for legal-related information and you can come to their rescue by creating helpful pages with the information that provides answers to the questions of the public.

If and when you do so, you will be able to position your website as an authoritative helpful resource while making yourself appear as the subject matter expert. You can create relevant blogs to provide exceptional value and practical advice to people looking for information on different topics.

You can also create website pages full of optimized and relevant content which will help the site to rank well. You are advised to write such content for the people and not for the search engines because over-stuffing your content with keywords just for the purpose of ranking it will prove to be counterproductive and get penalized by Google.

  1. Obtain High-Quality Links:

Your focus should be on obtaining high-quality links, because if and when you do so, it can help you in improving your search rankings. Avoid spammy links because they can prove to be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. Getting high-quality links might time take some time and effort but it’s worth it, in the long run, because of the benefits that can be availed after obtaining them. You should focus on getting high-quality links from local news sites, industry-specific directories and other websites relevant to your niche and industry.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to digital marketing for any industry, your website is one of your most valuable assets. Your website can help you in bringing new leads and it is the foundation of your online presence. The four strategies outlined above will help you in the furtherance of your business goals and will be a shot in the arm of your digital marketing campaigns.

You will be able to improve your authority, grow your practice as well as generate more business online. You can choose to implement the strategies on your own or hire experts for the same purpose. Given the multitude of options on offer, there is every chance that you will be able to hire a service provider who not only suits your requirements but also fits your budget.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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