WordPress Marketing Plugins That Will Enhance Your Site

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WordPress marketing is a powerful marketing software and is a must have for any business owner. It can make a perfect platform for just about anyone to make a great site for making money on the Internet. What is really great about this powerful lightweight software is that you do not need to be a computer geek to run it. There is absolutely no knowledge of computer programming needed to run this great software. Now there are even some new and great marketing plugins that you can also add to your WordPress marketing software.  If you want you can easily hire a web developer to install or customize the plugin for you to get exactly the function you need for your business.

Plugin is a word that not a lot of business owners know the definition of. Basically a plugin is a small piece of software that allows you as the non web designer types to change how either your blog or your site looks to the visitor. Your plugin may be as simple as changing the overall font of your blog or even more intricate and changes the whole overall appearance in general. Most generally they are either free or at a relatively low cost to you as the user of the plugin.

Now that you basically know what a plugin is you are probably wondering how you can find the one that fits your basic needs. Well there are literally hundreds of different plugins that are available but there are some main ones that have been getting a lot of attention in the business world.


  1. Platinum SEO Pack
  • This great little pack will greatly improve the overall way of how your blog will be indexed with in the search engines. This powerful little plugin allows you to specify Meta tags as well as Meta descriptions.
  1. Sociable
  • This will help you add social media buttons to your posts so that visitors have the opportunity to post to your site. Also allows them to share their favorite bookmarks and news sites. This allows you the opportunity to discover what your customers are interested in within your particular niche. This is a great way to find out if a new product will take off or not. It is strongly advised that any business owner that is using WordPress take advantage of this great little plugin.
  1. OptinOp
  • This powerful little plugin will allow you to create an optin box that connects straight to your auto responder. There is both a free version and an upgraded version that you pay for. This will also aide in helping you create a mailing list of potential clients.

Although there are a variety of different plugins that you can get for your WordPress marketing software these are the most common and widely used in the business world. You should give at least one of these if not a combination of these in your next WordPress marketing campaign you may be amazed at the results that you will see.

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