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What is Hybrid app development method?

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what-is-hybrid-app-development-methodIn this digital age, mobile applications have become a necessity instead of a trend. Every individual or company aspires to make their app for the brand recognition and marketing purpose. However, it depends upon the developers that how they carry out the process of app development.

At times, the requirement evolves of an app which is required in a short span of time. Considering that, developers have to pick Hybrid app development technique because of its cost-effectiveness and ultrasonic speed. Let’s get a brief idea what does hybrid app development mean?

What is Hybrid App Development?

Hybrid App Development process involves the use of technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in an amalgamated manner. The major difference with hybrid apps is that they reside inside a native application that utilizes a mobile platform’s Web view. This is done in order to acquire the access to device’s capabilities, like accelerometer, camera, and contacts. At present, the hybrid mobile applications use Apache Cordova.

It is a platform that leverages JavaScript APIs for accessing the device capabilities through plug-ins. Apache Cordova initially started its project named as PhoneGap. However, PhoneGap is now being run separately as a distributor of additional tools.

In simpler words, Hybrid apps use a common code in order to deploy it across various platforms to reduce development cost, save time, and efforts.

There are two methods for designing a hybrid app. Take a look:

Webview app

A native app embraces of an internal browser called web view in which HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code is implemented. There are native APIs which are showcased to JavaScript with the help of wrappers, such as Adobe PhoneGap and Trigger.io.

Compiled hybrid app

This method leverages advantage of one language, such as C# or JavaScript for compilation process in native code. This helps in running code on the various supported platform. Examples include Xamarin and Appcelerator Titanium.

Benefits of Hybrid App Development

There are certain benefits of Hybrid app development given below:

– Existing skills can be reused by developers
– The developer requires one code base only to implement on various platforms
– Reduced development time and money
– Responsive web design permits effective designs in an easy manner for various factors and devices. Integrating   HTML with hybrid     development method allows having an app that are rich in features, feel, and animation.
– Speaking of HTML, when it comes to the features that you want on your apps, hybrid is often a great choice because using HTML allows   for very few limitations. This means you can have an app that is very rich in features, feel and animation.
– Offers access to few devices and capabilities of operating system
– Advanced offline capabilities
– Elevation in distribution rate of the app with the help of app stores and mobile browsers.

As the coin has two sides, similarly there are disadvantages also of hybrid app development process. They are mentioned below:


– It can lead to performance issues for those apps that rely on complex native functionality

– Increased time and efforts to imitate a native UI

– Doesn’t get support from all types of devices and operating system

– Threat of rejection from the app store if the app doesn’t offer a native look

Considering the pros and cons of hybrid app development, it is crucial to decide that under what circumstances or situation, you should use this mode of development. Here are a few guidelines to help you out:

Before deciding a platform to work upon, it is important to analyze the technical and non-technical merits of hybrid app development especially when it relates to your mobile app’s requirements.

Few questions that you need to ponder upon:

  • Which mobile platforms do you want to target?
  • Do you wish to distribute your app via app stores?
  • What skills does your development team possess?

These are few important questions that need to be answered before initiating the process. Let’s deal with the above questions one by one.

Which mobile platforms will you target?

  If you desire to utilize the capabilities of more than one platform, you have multiple options. It’s clear that the web offers a bevy of solutions as per the requirement. However, your target is a mobile browser. Hybrid dedicates itself due to its dependency on WevVie.

Do you wish to distribute your application via app stores?

In case you want to distribute your app via the app store, you must build a hybrid or native app. Therefore, it is advisable to first launch a website available for mobile application. It is so because in case if users encounter any problem, they would first access your website only.

What skills does your development team possess?

Hybrid applications require sufficient knowledge of web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You should own a team that holds experience in multiple technologies.

Will you be utilizing the potential of the mobile device?

Web sites don’t offer much options and abilities in comparison to hybrid applications. The restrictions are regulated by the browser in order to oppose the utilization of OS capabilities.

Major recent developments in mobile browsers have revealed more device capabilities through HTML 5, such as camera, and geo-location.

Regardless of these advancements, the support offered for advanced functionality is limited.

For instance, media capture and streaming remains unsupported in different mobile browsers. Thus, due to these limitations prevailing in mobile browsers, developers are compelled to evaluate hybrid and native app development methods.

These both methods provide the ability for developers to take advantage of device APIs. In case of hybrid functionality, the feature is supported through plug-ins

Does Hybrid app development approach suits everyone?

Ultimately, it is crucial to fathom that hybrid app development method doesn’t necessarily fit all the requirements. In the case of hybrid app development methodology, you will have to overcome the limitations in order to discover the targeting features of a mobile platform.


 Every method for designing and building the apps has its own pros and cons.  Regardless of the method that you will use for building apps, you should have a mobile version of your website.

Mobile websites offer users the largest immediate and instant reach to all the types of apps.

Hybrid app development is quick and pocket-friendly technique. Depending on the requirements and skillset that a team possesses, one can implement this technique.

However, don’t forget to consider the above-mentioned points when evaluating your opinion.

Author Bio: Macy Jones is an experienced development professional with a reputed app development company in Sydney i.e. App Xperts. She also likes blogging. Most of her posts are focussed on ways to make app development easier for quite obvious reasons.


Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc


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