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Library at home:

The library has been here for several millennia and people have been benefitting from the treasure of the knowledge that the books contain in them to evolve into a very refined human being and a competent professional. The traditional libraries are quite difficult to maintain as has been seen from all those past centuries. The maintenance of a library requires the concerted and well coordinated effort of several people working at different level of the ladder, it requires organizing and experts with a degree in library science and they need to be paid for their services. The traditional library requires the reader to go the location, pick up th e book you want and then read from it. This whole process needs the time and energy which people these do not essentially have. Many institutions, universities, and public libraries carry out the noble job of educating people and citizens of the world.

The new library model:

The new library model that we are discussing here is the free internet library which has taken the whole world in its stride for more than one reason. This is a perfect hit with the youngsters who want to accomplish a lot in less time. Here, they need not go to the library but the library comes right into your palm. The internet has been helpful in many revolutionary ideas in all the fields of knowledge and one most important among them is being the library. When any information is needed all that we try to look into is the internet, and googling to find the answer is the catch word with not just the youngsters abut for us all through the world. The material available online in the internet library is not physical tangible hardbound books, but they are just the same available in an electronic format.


The definition of the library needs to be redefined because of the new shape and accessibility that it offers, and the types of materials that are available online. The internet in itself is a library yet, many websites are developed to make them into online libraries which give the same experience as the traditional one, except for the separate building that holds all the wealth of knowledge, and the online model has it all in the form of the chips. The types of resources available are whole books in the electronic format, or they are also called as the e books, the audio and video resources, and the links to various other websites that take you from one lead to the other in the search for information. Have the internet connection and a smart phone, you almost have a library right inside your palm and it is as easy as that.

Special features:

The online library can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and it has been noted that the online libraries are more visited than the regular libraries. Students, researchers, professionals, businessmen, artists, skilled technicians all visit the online library most of the time. It has been visited by also by doctors and engineers for more information in their respective trades. The online resources are quite sought after by content developers more than any other profession. The advantages of the free internet library are quite many such as availability all through the year, easy access, speed of access, no cost and it can be searched again and again and the speed of new material addition is quite high. The library is used for very many reasons such as for research and development, health care, and most importantly in education.

Internal Liberary

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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