Google algorithm houses hundreds, if not more, of signals when determining the areas where pages rank for search. Knowing the factors which might carry the most weight and optimize the site accordingly, can easily create a huge difference between failure and success. Using white hat SEO techniques is the broad way to address all the authentic ways to improve business ranking without the fear of getting your website penalized and shut down for good. With some simple white hat SEO tricks, your website will deliver some positive results with a higher return on investment.
Focusing on mobile first:
The “mobile first” approach is not something new and can be dated a few years back. It was upcoming New Year’s back but now it is the reality, and not “the future.”So, for those, who haven’t paid notice to the time when they were asked to move your business mobile will definitely pay a price now.
- At the present moment, Google is doubling on mobile and providing notice to those pages, where the content is easily accessible to mobile users too. It helps in the growth of business ranking to a completely new level.
- In other words, Google Index is the one going mobile first and if you fail to have that mobile friendly page, then you might take a hit on SERPs. It is mostly true for websites with intrusive forms of interstitial ads.
- If you are unsure whether your online site meets criteria for being mobile friendly, log in to Search Console account and view the latest Mobile Usability Report. Google can note down the mobile issues there to help take you right action.
- Furthermore, you need to keep a quick note on Accelerated Mobile pages or AMP. It is an open source initiative, relying completely on AMP HTML. It promises instant loading, which is important for mobile devices.
Google has been working on AMP really hard but the previous reviews are a bit mixed. Unless your site is news based one, it is not highly recommended to jump straight into AMP bandwagon as of now.
Try working on the business listing:
Local search and mobile search are intertwined inextricably. 20% of all the searches will have a local intent to it. When it comes to smartphone users, around 94% of them search for some local information. Apart from that, 51% will visit a store, 48% will call a store and 29% will make a purchase. As Google plans to improve ability in delivery hyper-local results, it is vital to have accurate and complete data in Google My Business profile. It is going to be an easy win for sure and less than half of businesses have claimed to list.
Dealing with user experience or UX:
Google has always been there encouraging webmasters for making the primary focus on providing the good user experience. With algorithm’s getting way smarter every passing day, websites working with changing algorithms can benefit the most. Good user experience or UX will go deeper than working on just clean codes.
- As per some recent studies, the goal of UX design is mainly to help business improve their current customer satisfaction and loyalty through ease of use, utility, and pleasure as provided while interacting with service or product.
- For the designers and website developments, the online site is the product in question. The main frame is to determine the intent of users and develop a methodology for smoother navigation. It evokes position emotion, leading to the positive user experience.
- Incorporating the best UX practices is quite easy. The web is primarily filled with advice and templates. The point that separates pros from amateurs is the A/B testing. Each one has its own biases, which will influence how a web page is well constructed.
By running some experiments, you can quantify the points that are working and the points, which you should leave behind. Try testing continuously until you get the right decision.
Time for keyword research:
Keyword research is no doubt important. Google offering less KW based data, some of the SEO tool providers have created some improved KW tools to fill up the void. The way, in which you foes about performing and using results from KW research has changed thoroughly.
- The tool will help Google to put things in a context other than relying on strings of metadata. Google easily understands language nuances like synonyms, stemming and answers.
- The latest generations of tools for finding keywords will take this matter into consideration by constructing things like keyword groups, parent topics and more. With this information by side, users get the chance to develop content, which incorporates a series of contextual relevant phrases.
All you have to do is be smart about it and avoid the temptation to stuff all variations of phase in a KW batch onto one single page.
Constructing a content marketing plan better than competitors:
As per some of the surveys of 2015, around 37% respondents believe that their services are quite effective at content marketing. As content is one of the major Google ranking’s factors, it is always mandatory to get it right. Moreover, this service presents an amazing opportunity for those people, willing to invest time to get the final top ranking.
Everyone wants to create “great content.” Do you even know what that means? It is associated with having useful content, finding a prospective audience and then reaching that group of people. It is not necessarily a difficult exercise. It boils down to an empathy with customers and prospects. Remember that useful + enjoyable + inspired service can lead to Innovative Content.
Using Schema for competitive help:
Around one-third of Google-based search results added rich snippets, as supported by Schema. But around 0.3% online sites were making use of this Google-based Schema tool. That particular percentage has improved over past couple of years, giving Schema the opportunity to create competitive help.
Covering these white hat SEO practices is what you should be looking for right now from White Noise Digital | Baltimore SEO company! Once you have the services covered, there is no turning back for the next results.