The number of start-ups in the global market has grown tremendously in the past decade. Education and awareness have motivated people to pursue their dreams and passion. Initiating a start-up is not just about formulating an idea and setting up the company. It is about sustaining and developing the brand.
However, all these require an incredible amount of work, financial assistance, and the right plan. Most newbies do not have the luxury of money and time to do wonders. This calls for the need for innovative intends to grab the attention of their consumers. Both online and offline mediums can do this. These mediums target a specific group of audience and have an unprecedented response rate. As much as online marketing is essential, the offline counterpart is equally vital to run a successful enterprise.
Here are 10 useful offline marketing ideas for Start-ups in 2018.
1.The storefront
The storefront board is an important and an essential part of the offline promotion. It is not just the gateway to the store but also to the business. In a busy, crowded marketplace, or a posh quiet street, this label design allures consumers to consider the business entity. This is also the reason while brands use bright and big boards to entice their potential consumers. The recent commercial buildings have a luxurious and elegant exterior for the same purpose.
2. The interiors
What is the first impression a person experiences when they enter an office or store? Do they feel overwhelmed? Do they feel peace? Do they think agitated and confined? This emotion has a significant influence on the consumers’ behavior. The size of the shop does not have an impact on this factor, but the interior does. It is crucial to plan the place wisely to create a positive effect on the customers.
3. The Logo placement
The logo design should seem to be a part of the online promotions. However, the importance of this custom logo is felt across all mediums. They establish the connectivity between different kinds of developments and efforts taken by the company. This is a call of action icon which plays a vital role in conversion. It is ideal to position it in the right place to grab consumer attention.
4. The Collaterals
This is relatively a small word which is used to describe an array of printed promotional materials. They are of different types, and each has a specific effort. A brochure design speaks about the services offered by the entity. Flyer design varies for each activity. These collaterals and their distribution plan have a significant impact on the business development
5. The business card
The most critical collateral of all is the business card design, and they are an essential part of networking. This small card can work wonders for your business. It occupies a permanent position in the connection avenue of the receiver. The business card should contain the essential details in crisp, and should act as a trigger for the services offered by the company. A smart Business card has the power to attract business even after a considerable amount of time.
6. The OOH Media
This medium is inclusive of the massive hoarding in the center of the city, the television which runs non-stop in transportation avenues, and even the sticker designs in malls and supermarkets. This is generally planned based on demographics as they are specially targeted to the audience of that specific area. The primary factor to consider would be to keep it simple to make it more useful.
7. The consumer connection
Consumers are an excellent source of offline marketing. A happy customer is the best marketing icon of the brand. Their reviews and word of mouth campaign have incredible influence and it send more potential audience in your direction. It is crucial to treat all users like a king, even if they don’t purchase their visit. This responsiveness and respect is a reliable way of gaining brownie points for the brand.
8. The power of public relations
Public relations have different meanings across the globe. It is one of the most effective and most complicated activities in business. Most start-ups are quite concerned about the exorbitant budgets and the stringent rules followed by this industry. However, you can start small with the local media before moving on to more extensive options.
9. The Community events
The tradeshows and conferences are a substantial way of displaying the products/services and networking. The benefits of these events do not stop with these advantages, and it is just the beginning. It helps the brand to understand the consumer’s requirements and also make necessary changes to their products.
10. The local audience
Most brands think big and try various techniques to capture the attention of their audience. However, they fail to notice the potential target group in their neighbourhood. It is essential to maintain an ideal relationship with them, and keep them engaged by conducting regular campaigns and events. Some companies also offer a seasonal discount to capture the audience attention.
To sum it up
Offline promotions have a standard time frame before it tends to provide results. Some of these activities offer immediate results, while others take their own sweet time. It is quite difficult to determine the success of the campaign with these inputs. The challenge lies in finding the ideal balance between the different mediums. The marketing plan should have to be a combination of various elements to make it more useful. It is essential to understand each medium and their target audience to decide on the best approach for your company. One is never enough, and however, it is vital not to overdo. Always plan to ensure better results in the campaigns. Avoid last minute plans until they are necessary. Keep a close look on the competition and learn from their mistakes. It is crucial to stay grounded and not to be carried away by success or failure. A small mistake can pave the path to the downfall, and it is critical to be extremely vigilant at all times.