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How to Set Up RSS to Email Newsletter in WordPress

How to Set Up RSS to Email Newsletter in WordPress

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How to Set Up RSS to Email Newsletter in WordPressDo you have a definite mailing list function defined along your blog? If not, then you must start thinking about it. And if you already have one; then don’t you want your subscribers to receive roundup posts about your blog? We are 100% sure that your answer is a big, positive yes; but how you are supposed to do that? It is actually very effortless and does not require much from you.

You may come across many choices when you decide to start your newsletter or email lists. The options may include writing the email content by yourself or hiring the content writer to do this for you. But, this may turn into a hefty task if you want to start an email campaign. But if you know how to set up RSS to Email newsletter in your WordPress, then it is actually pretty simple.

With RSS, you can send your subscribers a summary of your blog posts based on your chosen interval. This blog post shows you how you can set up RSS to Email newsletter in your WordPress. But before plunging into the topic directly, let’s have a brief introduction of RSS and its functionality.

What is RSS?

RSS is basically a type of web-feed which allow applications and users to receive defined, regular updates from a certain blog or website of your choice. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. It is sometimes also referred as the ‘Feed’ or ‘RSS Feed’. During the early days of internet, we used to use bookmarks if we want to track updates of our favorite website. But, with that we used to manually visit it to see if there are any updates available or not.

Then comes RSS Feed which resolves the problem of keeping up the track record of your favorite website without having to manually visit every now and then. With RSS, publishers and bloggers can syndicate their content automatically, so that people can read it through feed reader, email and via other digital means.

How Does RSS Feed Works?

RSS feeds functions by publishing you latest or updated content in an organized and structured XML document. An RSS feed contains summary or full article/blog of yours including metadata for every single items such as author, date and author etc. Fetching and reading this document is also very easy, you simply need an RSS feed reader. Also, there are many feed reading software available for all types of operating systems, mobiles devices and desktops.

With RSS feed, subscribers are not required to remember the URLs, because the content from all their favorite websites will be brought to a central location through, which can be read by the users all at once. With RSS, content also becomes portable and your subscribers can take it with them anywhere and can enjoy reading it, even when they are offline. RSS feeds also helps nurturing a loyal community of followers around your blog, while enabling your subscribers to share it more and more on social media.

Why Do You Need to Set Up RSS to Email Newsletter in WordPress?

The best thing that your growing emailing list indicates is that you can attract repetitive visitors to your blogs whenever a new post is ready to publish. However, a significant downside to this is that it may aggravate your subscribers if they receive emails for every blog post, as this can be bothering. With RSS campaign, you can choose to send emails on the desired intervals, rather than sending auto-emails after each publishing. RSS campaign features allow you to define intervals based on your choice, such as monthly, weekly, or daily. In this way, you can keep your subscribers updated without frustrating them.

What Benefits Does WordPress RSS to Email Offer?

There are countless advantages of sending periodic but regular emails to your subscribers about your new content, features, or services. Some of the foremost benefits offered by WordPress developer RSS to Email include the following;

  • Since the primary purpose of the RSS campaign is to inform your subscribers about the new content that is available at your site to be read. RSS campaign facilitates you putting your content in front of your audience, to appeal them to read or at least consider to read.
  • It can also help you in keeping your audience engaged. With RSS feed, you can provide your audience with the content which includes recommendations or a list of call to action that offer them some value. Delivering the value that is truly helpful to them is the best way to create a brand which people appreciate and like to interact.
  • It can benefit you by letting you know and follow your readers’ action. The ESP helps you know how many of your emails have been opened and what is the rate of click-throughs for every email. This will also help you see the blog titles that worked well and the one that faces ignorance.
  • With RSS to Email in WordPress, marketers get a chance to set schedules date and time for the content that is required to be emailed to the subscribers. Code Creators Inc has a dedicated team of WordPress development, which is helping small, medium and large size enterprises.

Step by Step Guide to Set Up RSS to Email Newsletter in WordPress

If you wish to send regular roundups to your subscribers about your blog post via email, then let us help you with a step by step guide to set up RSS to Email Newsletter in WordPress.

  • To build am RSS campaign, first, go to the Campaign page once you sign in to your WordPress account. Then click on ‘Create Campaign.’
  • Click on ‘Create an Email,that appears in the modal pop-up.
  • Select ‘Share Blog Updates’ in the ‘Automated’ tab.
  • You will be asked to name the campaign and choose a list. Click ‘Start’ then.
  • Next, you can now state your RSS feed URL and choose your sending interval. If you are unsure about your RSS feed URL, then simply specify URL of your blog.
  • Pick the best sending time for your blog i.e., monthly, weekly, or daily.
  • Choose your email list now and specify all the necessary details of your campaign.
  • Pick a catchy template to make your email simple yet pretty.
  • At this point, you can tailor your template according to your preferences.
  • Add RSS items to design your panel. Click ‘Enter Preview Mode’ under the ‘Preview and Test’ option to view changes that you have made.
  • Go back to the design panel if you need further modifications. Once done, you can now start to click on ‘Start RSS’ to begin with your RSS campaign based on your specified schedule.

Stanislaus Okwor is a Web Designer / Developer based in Lagos - Nigeria. He is the Director at Stanrich Online Technologies. He is knowledgeable in Content management System - Wordpress, Joomla and PHP/MySQL etc

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